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Thermocol is another name for polystyrene (PS), which is a type of plastic. Benzene is an industrial solvent, and it's primary use is to make styrene. The chemical structure of benzene, a non-polar organic hydrocarbon solvent, and of PS is such that benzene will dissolve styrene and polystyrene.

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Q: Why does thermocol dissolve in benzene?
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Benzene is a non-polar molecule and meaning that it does not have a positive or negative side Which statement BEST describes how benzene will dissolve in water?

Benzene is non-polar as it does not have the electronegative atoms such as oxygen or chlorine in it. Therefore, benzene does not exhibit polarity as opposed to molecules which include as water.

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Benzene is nonpolar and thus will only dissolve nonpolar substances. Covalent substances is vague, but even if benzene were to dissolve nonpolar solutes, they would not conduct electricity because the current has no ions or delocalized electrons to travel across.

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advantages of thermocol

Why are NaI and CH2O more soluble in water than benzene (C6H6)?

NaI is soluble in water due to ion-dipole interactions, where the ionic Na+ and I- interact with the polar water molecules. CH2O is soluble in water due to hydrogen bonding with water molecules. On the other hand, benzene is nonpolar and does not interact favorably with polar water molecules, leading to poor solubility in water.

Why does nacl readily dissolve in water but not in tetrachloromethane?

NaCl dissolves in water because it is an ionic compound. Because of this, when the compound is broken down into ions, the polarity of the water molecules attracts the broken down ions. This allows for the Na+ and Cl- ions to dissolve in the water. NaCl does not dissolve in benzene because benzene is a nonpolar molecule. Because it is nonpolar, the broken down ions will not be attracted to benzene.