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Sodium iodide is ionic and formaldehyde is polar. Water, being a polar molecule will readily dissolve both. Benzene is nonpolar so it will not readily dissolve polar or ionic substances.

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Q: Why are NaI and CH2O more soluble in water than benzene (C6H6)?
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Is CH2O not soluble in water?

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Does the compounds C2H2 and C6H6 have the same percent composition by mass?

It does not necessarily mean that. For example glucose (C6H12O6) and formaldehyde (CH2O) have the same percentages of elements by mass, but are two very difference compounds.

Is CH2O an acid?

No. CH2O is formaldehyde, which is not an acid.

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What is the formula for CH2O?

C2h4o2 is the molecular formula for CH2O.

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Empirical formulas determine the ratio of atoms of different elements within a chemical compound and can be derived by dividing the number of each element's atoms by their greatest common factor. They do not necessarily describe the full chemical makeup of a molecule. For example, benzene has the formula C6H6 but its empirical formula is simply CH because there is one hydrogen atom for every carbon atom. Glucose has the molecular formula of C6H12O6; its empirical formula is CH2O. Because the molecular formula for water, H2O, cannot be further simplified (empirical formulas have only whole numbers) H20 is also its empirical formula.

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It's arbitrary (and some chemicals are classed as both);but in general organic contains carbon molecules and/or those related to life. It is the chemistry of carbon containing compounds.Inorganic is everything else and generally do not contain carbon (with some exceptions).

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A 37% aqueous (water) solution of formaldehyde. The molecular formula of water is H2O and of formaldehyde is CH2O.

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Yes. CH2O is the molecular formula of formaldehyde, the smallest aldehyde.

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