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Actually, this site answers many questions. It is just that answers are not usually immediate. Sometimes people give inappropriate answers and they have to be cleared so others can see the questions and have the chance to give appropriate answers. It is possible that others don't know the answer, so you have to wait until someone can answer.

Now, if you ask the question poorly, don't categorize it correctly, or break the rules, you might not get any answer.

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Q: Why does this site always never answer any of your questions?
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some of them but not all of your questions.....

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The users on the site are from all over the world. So at any given time there are always people using the site. So in that sense, the site never rests.

Why doesn't this site answer any of my questions properly?

becuase idiots are answering the questions

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This is the site! We answer any kind of questions in any kinds of categories! That's us! hi :) theres a clue in the name

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this is literally the least helpful site on the internet. you search for how to do something, this site always pops-up, and it literally never has any answer in any easy to find place. i hate this site with my whole entire soul.

Does this site know any answers of real questions?

Only when there are real questions to answer. Did you bring one with you?

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There are questions about games, but no games to play.

Is there any site where given maths questions will be solved?

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