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It doesn't. Well, it might in some particular problem, but you'd have to be a lot more specific.

The equation for position might have a "-16t2" term in it, indicating that the object is in a 1g gravitational field and the units being used are "feet per second per second".

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Q: Why does velocity start with -16x squared?
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How do you calculate mass when given joules and velocity?

Kinetic energy = (1/2) (mass) (velocity squared)Divide each sideby (velocity squared/2): Mass in kg = ( 2 x energy in joules) / (velocity in m/s) squared

How is average velocity different from acceleration?

For a start, acceleration doesn't even have the same units as velocity: acceleration is a velocity divided by time, so while speed or velocity have units of [distance]/[time], acceleration has units of [distance]/[time squared]

How is the radius of rotation related to the centripetal force and angular velocity?

Assuming that angles are measured in radians, and angular velocity in radians per second (this simplifies formulae): Radius of rotation is unrelated to angular velocity. Linear velocity = angular velocity x radius Centripetal acceleration = velocity squared / radius Centripetal acceleration = (angular velocity) squared x radius Centripetal force = mass x acceleration = mass x (angular velocity) squared x radius

How do you calculate the initial speed?

v2 = u2+ 2as where v squares is the final velocity , u squared is the initial velocity , a is the acceleration and s is the distance travelled. If it is free fall take a = 10m/s squared ( as gravity ).

What is the velocity of a square?

Please reword this question, since in its present form, it doesn't make sense. Right now, it sounds like a square is flying through the air. Maybe you are asking about velocity squared? If so, velocity means both the speed and direction of something. For velocity squared, it would essentially be just multiplying the speed by itself.