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Because hey are trying to find a warm place and food.

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Q: Why does wasps come in my house?
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Do Wasps hibernate in the earth of house plants?

No. Only young queen wasps hibernate, and they find a sheltered, dry place such as under the eaves of a house, or in a hole in a tree. The rest of the wasps die when cold weather comes.

Do wasps collect their dead?

Wasps do not collect other dead wasps. However, if a wasp is injured, it will emit a special pheromone that will warn other wasps that there is danger nearby. Sometimes other wasps will come to see what that danger might be.

Do wasps come back to the hive?

Yes they do Yes they do

Do more wasps come when killing a wasp?

Sort of. If wasps feel threatened they sting. The sting releases pheromones into the air, a chemical signal to other wasps that it is being attacked. If other wasps are in the area, or if you are near the nest, they may also attack you.

Where did the name wasps come from originally?

Ye Olde English, it seems.

Where did fire ants come from?

From wasps; at least most scientists believe.

When do wasps start to come out of hibernation?

Queen wasps usually emerge from their hibernation around mid April. See related link:

What are bees ants and wasps called?

Insects. They come under the group of Arthropods

What kind of wasps come out at night and are aggressive to lights?

It may be European Hornets

Can wasps come BACK to life after being frozen?

No frozen things are dead and they don't come back to life.

What invertebrates live in the house?

House fly, mosquitoes, cockroaches, bugs, wasps, ants etc. Mosquitoes are most harmful of these all.

What are some of the superstitions about wasps?

There are many superstitions about wasps. It is believed that if wasps build their hive low it is an indication of a hard winter with lots of storms and if they build high it will be a mild winter. It is also believed that if you are stung by a wasp this is a sign of bad luck to come.