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Q: Why does water loss slow down if a plant is put into a plastic bag?
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To slow down the loss of water a plant's body is covered with To slow down the loss of water a plant's body is covered with?

it's covered with cuticle

Pot of plant with soil wrapped with plastic bag covered with bell jar test for?

the loss of water from the leaves of the plant (transpiration)

What protects a plant from water loss?

A layer of the leaf called the cuticle cuts down on water lost by evaporation. Also, the guard cells around the stomata which can close to prevent water loss.

What prevents water loss from woody parts of a plant?

Bark, cuticle prevents water loss from softer/ herbaceous parts of the plant

What plant leaf is adapted to prevent water loss?

Most of their stomata are on the underside of the leaf.

As a result of the plant reducing water losswhat other process will be slowed down?

If the process of water loss (transpiration) is reduced in plants, the process of water absorption will also be reduced. This happens to maintain an equillebrium in the plant cells.

Give three conditions which would cause water loss from a plant to increase?

Water loss from a plant increase when it is: hot, sunny, dry or windy

What is the part of the plant that slows the loss of water?

Okay so the cuticle slows a plant's loss of water..... A cuticle is a waxy, protective layer that slows the loss of water. The cuticle is a structure that helps plants survive on land

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What are term is used to identify water loss from a plant?


What is the loss of water vapour from a plant called?
