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The boiling point is increased after adding impurities to water.

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Cheyanne Tremblay

Lvl 13
2y ago
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12y ago

Water has a high specific heat capacity of 4.18J/°C*g.

As the units indicate, the specific heat capacity indicates the amount of joules (J) required to raise the temperature by 1°C per gram. A lot of energy is required to do so. Why?

Water has hydrogen bonding between the oxygen and hydrogen. O-H bonds. As there is a very big difference in electronegativity between the elements, the bond is very polar. One is very - and the other is very +. As such, they attract each other heavily and the bond is hard to break. Harder it is to break a bond, longer does it take to heat it up.

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15y ago

Because water has a high specific heat. Waters specific heat is higher than any other common substance.

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14y ago

Because the make up (molecules that make up H2O) prevent it from heating quickly.

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13y ago

Water has a high specific heat due to hydrogen bonding. This means water will resist change in temperature and it will take more energy to reach boiling point.

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12y ago

It is a liquid

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Q: Why does water take longer to heat?
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Because the specific heat of water is very high. In fact, water has about 1400 times more heat carrying capacity than air.

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Why does water take longer to cool down?

Water takes longer to cool down because it has a high specific heat capacity, meaning it requires a lot of energy to change its temperature. Additionally, water is a good conductor of heat, allowing it to distribute heat throughout its volume efficiently. These properties make water slower to cool down compared to other substances.

If Specific heat of water is greater than that of land This means?

Water heats and cools slower than land. It is because the specific heat is the amount of heat that it takes to be raised to a certain temperature. If the heat is higher it would take longer to heat and cool. That is my interpretation anyways.