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Q: Why does wet skin is said to have much less resistance than dry skin?
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What affects a skin's resistance?

Thin or wet skin is much less resistant than thick or dry skin

Why has the greater electrical resistance in wet skin?

Wet things are provide less resistance to electricity

What is human body resistance to electricity if skin is wet?

human body resistance to electricity when skin is wet is 1,000 ohm and when skin is dry its resistance is 100ohm

What happens when skin resistance is high?

High skin resistance can produce severe skin burns but prevent the current from entering the body

What happens when skin resistance is low?

When skin resistance is low, the current may cause little or no skin damage but severely burn internal organs and tissues

What is fast-skin made from?

A Fastskin is a suit made by Speedo, with material that absorbs a lot less water, (if any), and is designed to make the swimmer have less resistance, thus making them go faster.

What is the code for the cloven skin in resistance fall of man?

In Resistance 2 there is no code for the cloven skin, but you can still purchase it in the Resistance 2 category in the PlayStation store for a mesely 0.99 cents.

How much weight is 40-50000 cells of skin as you said that is what skin cells we lose each day?

in a discussion about psoriasis a friend said her husband was told he loses 28 times as much skin with his psoriasis than a normal person loses so my question was how much does a normal person lose?

How much weight is 40-50000 cells of skin as you said that is what skin cells we lose each day.?

in a discussion about psoriasis a friend said her husband was told he loses 28 times as much skin with his psoriasis than a normal person loses so my question was how much does a normal person lose?

What is r lower for wet skin than for dry skin?

resistance for electricicty

What part of the human body has the highest resistance to electrical current?

The Skin

Resistance of the skin to invading organisms is?
