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Either your gas pedal is stuck to the floor or you are going downhill.

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Q: Why does your car not slow down after you take your foot off the gas?
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What is the friction that causes a car to slow down when you take your foot off the accelerator?

Rolling friction By Alex ceron

What do you do if your car hydroplanes?

Don't apply the brakes, take your foot off of the gas pedal and allow the car to slow down by itself until traction is achieved.

Suppose that you are in a moving car and the motor stops. You step on the brakes and slow the car to half speed. If you release your foot will the car speed up or continue at half speed or slow down?

Assuming you are not pressing down on the gas, when you release the pedal, the car will slow down over time and evetualy come to a stop. Unless you are going down a hill, in which case you will speed up.

Why does my car slow down while driving?

Are you going up a hill? Did you take your foot off the gas and is the compression of the engine slowing you down? Are your brakes sticking? Is your car getting the correct amount of air to fuel ratio? there are lots of reasons why a car would slow down while you're driving it. start with the easiest.

How long does it take for a car travelling at 60km h to slow down to rest?

depends apon car

On automatic car if your lever is on drive do you need to have foot on the brake?

Only if you want to slow down or stop, or remain stopped.

What would cause a car to slow down at a very fast rate when foot lets off of the gas?

A siezed brakepad or shoe or the emergency brake is on.

What part of a car slows it down?

"Brakes" make the whole car slow down.

How do you take a turn with a manual car?

You take a turn with a manual car the same as you do with an automatic car. You will need to shift down to second gear and keep your foot on the clutch while turning.

Why would my car slow down if im not braking?

Because you have taken you foot of the accelerator (gas) pedal or there is a blockage of the fuel feed or the air intake to the engine.

When you slow down and apply the brake your car wobbles in the front But even when you let your foot off the gas?

Check brake rotors, wheel balance & bearings.

Why does your car slow down uphill?
