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Some cats do not fear water. Actually, some, like the Turkish Van, have it in their nature to swim! All cats can swim, but they do not like to. Cats are very clean creatures, and like themselves to be warm and dry. So when a cat gets when they are compulsed to lick themself dry.

Some cats, even those that are not Turkish Vans, may just like water.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Quite simply: She is feeding them, and teaching her kittens valuable lessons in killing prey. Mother cats will gently introduce her kittens to food when they are ready to be weaned: The first stage is bringing a dead mouse for the kittens to eat, and later the mother will bring live mice for the kittens to practice and learn how to dispatch prey quickly and effectively.

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12y ago

Cats will usually do this to mark their territory To protect against other cats

Your cat may also be doing this out of stress/reaction when being chased, if s/he is being harassed by other cats or animals in your house.

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8y ago

Ah, the toy in the water problem! Just like humans, most cats drink when they eat. Big cats in the wild get liquid from the animal's blood, so they don't need a source of water until later. But domesticated cats often bring 'prey' to a water source. Here, the toy mouse is its prey.

Cats will also bring you, the "Alpha cat" in its cat family, its prey. So don't be surprised if your cat catches a real mouse that it brings it to you first before trying to eat it. (ugh).

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15y ago

They are playing, perhaps if it is dry food try getting some wet food for your cats!

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12y ago

because your cat thinks the litter box is always clean(you clean it) so he wants his toys clean too

your welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Q: Why does your cat put her toy mice in her water dish?
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What do you need for your pet to travel with no problems?

its depending on a cat/dog/mouse/guinea pig. guinea pig's or mice shouldn't be a problem just simply get a portable cage and fill it's with anything the other cage had. if it's a cat its up to you. if you feel your cat might be a bother to others you would put them in the luggage compartment. if its a dog SORRY it would HAVE TO be put in the luggage compartment. ALWAYS fill cage or carrier with news paper water and food.

Is it ok to bathe your cats?

It is perfectly okay to bathe your cats. The only problem is, cats hate water, the cat will not like the bath, and whatever you do, don't put water on your cat's head/face. Also do not submerge your cat in water.

How do you hydrate a cat if not drinking on its own?

warm up a nipple and put warm milk or water in a bottle

How do cats drink water?

they lap their tongue in it, to give your cat water just put it in a food bowl (the same type you would use for food) and your cat should drink it. Not the same one you use for their food though!!! And keep both clean, the bowls and the food and the water.

Your hamster is dehydrated how can you hydrate it?

I'm sorry to hear about your hamster and hopefully this will help! Hydrating your hamster shouldn't be too hard. Just make sure the little creature always has nice cool water in it's water bottle. If you don't have a water bottle you can just put water in a dish for him. Sometimes if you put water in a dish though, your hamster might knock it down, but and some pet shops they sell heavy dishes that it can't knock down. Just give it plenty of water and refill it everyday for the next three days and the thirsty guy should be fine! I hope it works out for you!

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When your cat finds a kleenex why does he put it in his water dish?

if your cat does that, you have a very funny cat!

What is a sentence with the word mice in it?

Those mice must have blind. When the cat is away, the mice will play. The mice have been in the pantry again.

How do you washe dish?

put in sink, turn on water, put away

Can fancy mice swim?

yes i put my fancy mouse in a bucket of water and it swan just make sure its not too cold or theres alot of water but dont put requalr mice in water

How do you stop a cat from eating fast?

Go to walmart or a pet store and find a dish that's specially made for pets that eat fast or find a sphere to put in the dish at the pet store so that the cat has to eat around it.

Can mice breathe under water?

No. If you have a mouse do not put it underwater or you will drown it. Mice breathe with their lungs just like humans.

What is the b est way to transition an indoor cat to becoming an outdoor cat?

Put some mice in your house and some plants so he feels like he is in the outdoors.

Do they make a food dish for cats so your dog cannot get to it?

If your dog is bigger, put the cat's bowl in a box with a hole small enough that only the cat can enter.

Help your son just brought over a baby owl What do you feed it its in the middle of the night with no stores open?

you may think this a joke but its not. my vet feeds all the wild birds that people bring in canned cat food. put a small dish of water with a rock in it. the rock helps the bird judge the depth of the water... another dish with a little pile of canned cat food an ur all set.

Why does your cat put her hand in the water and lick her hand instead of drinking the water?

the cat could be sipping the water or washing its hands

Should you put water out for the stray cat?

No because it's not you cat. But for me Yes cause i have my own cat.

Can you put flea medicine on a cat that's nursing kittens?

Dawn dish soap works wonders on pets with fleas!