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there might be something wrong with your other dog. Dogs can sense things we cannot.

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Q: Why does your dog keep licking your other dogs but?
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Why is your dog always licking your other dog - like he's grooming him or something?

Yes--licking is something that dogs do to groom each other. It can be a sign of dog affection, and a sign of subservience.

Why is your dog always licking your other dog like he's grooming him or something?

Yes--licking is something that dogs do to groom each other. It can be a sign of dog affection, and a sign of subservience.

Why does intact male dog keep licking other intact male dog?

Feels good, man.

Why do dogs lick their arms?

Just like cats dogs groom themselves from time to time. I often see my dog licking his nails to keep them more clean. Obsessive licking can be a sign of something possibly wrong with your dog though.

Can you catch anything from your dog licking a cut?

Only if the dog is sick like, has rabies. My dog always likes my cuts. it is the way dogs would help other dogs in there pack, it helps clean the wound.

How do you train a dog that has aversions to other dogs?

try to keep it around other dogs

How do you keep your dog from licking the site where he was neutered?

Put a neck collar on the dog.

Why is your male dog licking your female dogs but hole?

That's How They SAy Hello!

My female dog won't stop licking?

Dogs that lick excessively are nervous.

One of my dogs is always licking the other ones ears why is this?

If he licks only his ears - that's just something like hello. If he licks other parts of body (pows, face, ears, etc.) that means he is not dominant dog, but the dog who's he licking. Hope that helps.

What is the side affects of a dog when they get old?

side effects of old dogs?, have you been inhaling the dog, or just licking it?

Why does your westie keep licking everything?

isnt that normal? I mean, how would you like it if yours was all wet and sticky?