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its a way of saying hello

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Q: Why does your dog lick other dogs butts?
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Why do dogs like other dogs butts?

Dogs Like/sniff other dog butts to get information about the dog. It is a form of communitcating.

Why doesn't your dog lick you?

If dogs do not lick you then they do not appriciate you. Dogs lick you when you give them a treat or play with them.

Why does your dog lick other dogs bellies?

if yours does, that's just weird

Why do dogs spell other animals butts?

it is a way of saying hello if the other dog won't let the dog sniff him or her it is because he or she thinks of that dog as an intruder

Why do pugs lick other dogs?

They may be cleaning a wound or just doing it because they like the other dog.

Do all dogs lick their butt holes?

Your dog is not going to get sick from licking a cat's butt. Animals are always licking their butts.

If a dog hasn't had its injection can it mix with other dogs?

I would not mix him with other dogs, you can't tell where the other dogs have been or if they have had their shots. Dogs will sniff or lick feces etc. Get the shots.

Why do dogs lick certain people?

It's a possession thing. Dogs' saliva has a scent just like their urine...each is recognizeable. They will usually do it when there are other animals present in the house, but not always. They are claiming that person as "theirs".

Why does your dog lick your bandage?

dogs heal your wounds

Why does your dog lick other dogs face?

Dogs usually lick other dogs lips because its a way that the dog is nurturing the other one. It is just something they do to mother eachother. My dogs do it ALL the time and ii think its really cute and sweet to watch.and from when dogs were wolfs, the younger lickd ther parents mouths for food. Answer: Dogs lick each others mouths as a sign of submission and respect. Their saying,'You're the boss.'

Why does older dogs lick blankets constantly?

Why does my 15 yr old dog lick blankets

What is the symboisis of a flea and a dog?

Dogs with scratch, and lick themselves