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I would not mix him with other dogs, you can't tell where the other dogs have been or if they have had their shots. Dogs will sniff or lick feces etc. Get the shots.

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Q: If a dog hasn't had its injection can it mix with other dogs?
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Will a dog feel a injection?

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Cause some dogs like other dogs. Even if it was wet or not probably the dog would still greet the other dog.

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it could mean that your dog has been fed something or has eaten something that hasnt agreed with its stomach or he might be sick or have an allergy to something.

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To get the dog used to other animals and dogs you have to put it in a room with other people and you have to have people and dogs around for a period of time and then they will finally get used to people and other dogs.

Why does your dog keep licking your other dogs but?

there might be something wrong with your other dog. Dogs can sense things we cannot.

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Well... dogs kinda help every other dog so there's not a specific dog that helps dogs.

What is a humane way to end a sick dogs life?

Your vet can give the dog an injection which will painlessly end it's life.

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it depends on the dog

When your dog is having puppies is it advisable for other dogs be around the puppies?

NO other dogs should be around the pregnet dog :o)