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Usually this means they have something caught between their teeth and gum look and see

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Q: Why does your dog scratch his mouth and whelps while he is scratching it?
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Can I scratch with any turntable, or are there special ones made just for that?

While there are special scratching turntables, any turntable will do.

How does a scratch cure an itch?

An itch is a part of your skin which is irritated and when you scratch it you relive that irritation for some time, but you don't cure it. It is more likely that you will be more itchy after. The best thing to do is ignore it and your body will make the irritation heal.

Why is your xbox scratching your games?

The only time an Xbox will scratch games is if you move the console while a game is in the disc tray. Otherwise, it shouldn't happen.

Why do we feel compelled to scratch bug bites if it's bad to do?

Scratching can remove insects from your skin while they are biting, or even before they bite, which could be useful. Scratching can remove irritants of various sorts, although we also sometimes scratch when there is no irritant that we can remove. Itching is caused by various things, and the scratching response is sometimes useful and sometimes useless or actually harmful to some degree. Our biological design is not 100% efficient.

What does it mean when you dream about scratching your neck?

When clear physical sensations appear in a dream, the most likely explanation is the most simple. Something made your neck itch while you were sleeping, and that feeling triggered the corresponding dream.

Which characters while scratch?

Scratch Cat and Gobo

Why does your quaker parrot hold his head?

If you're talking about an action in which the Quaker Parrot puts it's foot on it's head and holds it there, I can relate with my bird. My Quaker Parrot 'holds' his head with his foot while he's relaxed and preening. I think this behavior is simply him enjoying scratching himself with his claws. He clenches his toes in and out in a scratching manner while looking very pleased. He'll sometimes let me scratch him with my fingernail, too.

How do you keep your dog from scratching at the carpet while in the kennel?

This dog needs regular exersize. This will discontinue the nervous chewing and scratching.

The turntable technique that consists of moving a vinyl record forward and backward with your hand while the record is playing is called?


will this scratch my floor?

While it isn't likely, it is possible for this weight rack to scratch your floor if incorrectly moved.

How long does it take for a bug bite to go?

A month after you get bit. As soon as you get bit

Why is your xbox 360 scratching my games?

its becau se its on horizontal position or you moved it while it was playing