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The only way that your dog will be able to come free of ticks, is either by removing with tweezers the tick, but you must remember to clear both the head and the body. Also, you need to make sure that you find a type of medication, preferably recommended by your local vet that will cause the tick to come out. Ask them whether vasaline is a good method.

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Q: Why does your dog still have ticks when you treat him with medicine?
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How do you treat German shepherd if they have ticks?

Gently pull the ticks off the dog with gloves on. If you are concerned the ticks passed a disease to the dog, save the ticks and show the vet to test them

How can one treat dog ticks without hurting the dog?

There are many great ways to rid your dogs of ticks. The most common way is to get Tick Shampoo to wash the Ticks off of animals without harming them.

What happens when you put too much medicine for ticks on a dog?

The dog will get sick. You should probably call your vet or go to the vet if you put too much on the dog.

Can a dog get ticks if they've already been treated?

Contrary to popular belief, yes they can. My dog has a tick collar and we frontline her regularly and she still gets ticks.

How do you keep your dog from getting ticks?

The best way to keep your dog from getting ticks is to keep them clean. You can wash them in a shampoo that will help repel ticks.

What is front-liner?

Front liner means department in-charge or a job assignment which belong to public dealing.

Why beagles not have tick?

Beagles, like most other animals, can get ticks. This is why it is recommended to apply Frontline, or a similar medicine, to your dog's back once a month.

How do you get rid of fles on a dog?

There are many medications available to treat fleas on a dog. Your local veterinarian should have the medicine. You can also find flea medicine on many pet supply websites.

How do you treat a puppy?

You can take it to the vet or you can buy special medicine at Petsmart, PetCo., or Dog stores.

Can ticks go from dog to dog?

Maybe? Maybe not?

What to give dog when feverish?

Best to take it to the vets, giving medicine can treat it but if you've given the wrong mistake by a bad judgement, it can be harmful to your dog.

Is a dog still contagious after 3 doses of medicine?

no. That much medicene could possibly kill your dog