

Why does your guinea make chirping noises when petted?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Why does your guinea make chirping noises when petted?
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Is my guinea pig sick if he is making low noises?

yes, Guinea pigs make low noises to tell that she/he feels sick

How do guinea pigs make noises?

They make noises through their larynx, the "voice box" in guinea pigs and humans alike that allows us to make noises and talk.

What does it mean when a guinea pig macks noises?

Depends on the circumastances, when stressed/ excited / getting fed they make squeaking noises.

Why does a guinea make noise?

Guinea pigs make noises to show their feelings like fear or exitment.

What noise do guinea pigs make when they are happy?

Yes. Guinea pigs make all sorts of sounds. Sometimes when you feed them their favorite veggie they will make a sound that sounds alot like a cat purring. Some guinea pigs will also do this when they are being petted. This sound means they are happy. They also make a similar sound with they are displaying to a mate or before they fight. This is called rumblestruting, so make sure you don't get the two confused!

What noises do guinea pis make and why?

Guinea Pigs squeak because they are scared or happy mine squeaks when i give him food

What does it mean if a guinea pig makes noises?

It depends. Guinea pigs make all different kinds of noises depending if they are happy or scared. Wheeking: means feed me. they either know food is coming or they're hungry. Rumbling: when a male is trying to romance a female. Shrieking: sounds like a wheek, only more high pitched. it means they are afraid or in pain. Purring: means pleasure. Teeth Chattering: upset or angry. Mutter/Chut: meaning relaxed, happy, and content Whining: Just like it sounds, complaining Chirping: no one really knows why they do this or what it means.

Should your guinea pig make pigeon noises?

No it shouldn't, and that seems odd that it would do that.

What noises do guinea pig make before birth?

Loud squeals and cries and even grunts.

Do guinea pigs have mating noises?

Yes, like "OH! I love it, one more time please, uh!"

What if your guinea pig doesn't make noise?

maybe because he/she is lonely or it's sick

What can you do when they make low whimpering noises guinea pigs?

it usually means it is eather excited or scared,sometimes hungry.