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Baby chicks are checked for what sex they are at hatcheries by expert "sexers" at birth. Most people want hens for the eggs they lay, not roosters. Hens lay eggs without a rooster being around. In fact, they lay MORE eggs without a rooster being around because they don't have the constant sexual harassment of the rooster to upset and bother them. So, there are more roosters born than are actually needed. the baby chicks are sold as Easter chicks which are cute but grow up into the pain in the butt critter that mature roosters are. They attack their owners, fight with each other, crow before sunrise, etc. Only a few are needed to make more baby chickens.

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Roosters like to show their dominence by following you they are able to keep watch and protect their hens

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Does a rooster do better with a hen?

Yes, a rooster will be happier with hens around.

Rooster How old must a rooster be before it starts crowing?

We have two that share the same hatch date. One started crowing around 5 months old. The other not until almost 8 months old. I suppose there is a standard, but my roosters were to stubborn to follow it.

Will a bantam rooster get on with a orpington rooster?

Yes they will. It's actually pretty funny watching the tiny rooster trying to order a buff orpington around!

Why does your rooster chase your hens around?

I think the rooster is tying to impress them, not exactly impress but you know, the same way a boy might chase a girl around at recess.

Does it help hens egg production to have a rooster around?


Will a hen sit on eggs with a rooster present?

not sure about all hens but my hen bonnie will sit even if bert the rooster is around she does not seem to mind

What is the length of a rooster in inches?

The length of a rooster can vary depending on the breed and individual bird. On average, a rooster can be around 18-20 inches long from head to tail. However, it is important to note that this measurement can vary and may not necessarily represent the full size or height of a rooster.

What is the advantage of having a rooster with your flock of hens?

Roosters have several purposes. Mating and fertilizing the eggs is one main reason to keep a rooster. A rooster , by instinct, is the guardian of the flock. He is the first to respond to danger thus warning the rest of the flock of a problem and often is the first to be killed by a predator giving the other birds time to get away and seek shelter. The rooster is vocal in order that the hens know better what is going on around them at all times. Rooster vocalizations vary from situation to situation. The call of danger is much different that the call to seek roost at night. Hens that have wandered far from home can follow the call of the rooster back to safe shelter. As the adage goes for males of all species, "if you can't be handsome, be handy". Luckily, the rooster is often both.

Do you need a rooster to make a egg?

You do not need a rooster for a hen to lay eggs. A well feed, happy hen of appropriate age will lay about one egg a day. If a rooster is around the eggs will be fertilized and you get more chickens, if not you get yummy eggs to eat.

What if my tamed chicken follows me then bites my foot?

My Cornish Rooster would run to me, follow me around and bite me if I didn't pay attention to him or hand feed him treats. I'd wager that she's trying to get your attention and wants fed or loved.

What is the plural for rooster?

The possessive form for the noun rooster is rooster's.

How do you make hatching eggs?

You need the following. 1 (one hen) 1 (rooster) and a day or two for the rooster to practice his "dance". Eggs laid by a flock of hens with an active rooster within the flock will almost assuredly be fertile.