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Bumps can be caused by the irritation a dull razor has, or perhaps you hadn't washed or lubricated the area well enough. They'll go away in a day or so. Next time, make sure you have a sharp razor, and make sure you use a good shaving cream.

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You actually start itching because of the hair growing back. It you keep shaving down there, then you won't have itching. If you want to grow it back after you shaved, then I would try some lotions and such till the itching goes away.

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Q: Why did you get zits when you shaved your pubic hair?
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I am 13 and shaved my pubes when i was 11 How do you get pubic hair back to normal after shaving?

Shaving pubic hair wil not effect its further growth. having shaved at 11 wil have no effect on it at age 13. it is the way it was going to be anyway.

What happent to men when period happens?

they start to grow pubic hair/hair, their pits stink , you get spots on your face (zits) your voice cracks.

What does blad mean?

for a start its bald. a bald eagle is where all the hair from the pubic triangle is shaved.

Where do they take your hair from for a hair drug test if your head is shaved?

Even with the head shaved there are hair particles within the skin. If the drug test demands the hair from the head and there is none then hair must be retrieved elsewhere, such as the arms, legs, or pubic region, otherwise, the test needs to be rescheduled.

Are shaved pubic areas on women better?

No, shaved pubic areas on women are not 'better'.Women have pubic hair for a reason, it helps to protect against irritation and infection as well as reducing STD risk during sex, pubic hair is also a sign of sexual maturity and plays a part in attracting partners. Shaving however damages skin and risks issues like cuts, ingrown hairs, and cysts.

Do women like it when men shave their pubic hair?

Yes, men like women with pubic hair. All adult women have pubic hair, thus a man who is attracted to adult women (rather than children) likes to see an adult womans body. Some men may have a preference to their partners removing their pubic hair, but all men should expect and respect that adult women have pubic hair.

Why is it that male pubic hair doesn't grow back when it is shaved?

It does grow back, however, the rate at which it grows is entirely dependent on the person.

Can girls cut pubic hair?

First of all it helps to keep the vagina clean and mostly during periods, most men prefer having intercourse with a woman who has shaved pubic hair, it is considered sexy by the woman herself and/or her partner, it helps to keep the pubic area dry either from sweating and last but not least; for some women the pubic hair can make the vagina sore during friction and/or hair pulling during sex.

Why does your daughter have a fear of lose hair in the bath tub?

my daughter is 12 we shaved off her pubic hair because she still wears diapers to bed easer to clean her and no infections

Does Britney Spears shave her pubic hair?

Britney Spears has never shaved her eyebrows, or certainly not within the past decade or so. If she had, the media would have been All. Over. It.

Does Waxing pubic hair eliminate rashes as oppose to shaving or is it the same?

i found that i didn't get a rash after waxing whereas i did when i shaved or used veet xx