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The reason why your belly folds, is because your not sitting up straight. Keeping your posture good, will result in less folding of the skin on your belly, and thus avoiding the bad-looking red marks, which usually forms.

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Q: Why does your stomach go fat when you sit?
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Why is your stomach getting bigger with sit ups?

Sit ups do not burn stomach fat. Sit ups build and tone stomach muscles.

How do you remove side stomach fat?

when you do sit ups justtwist your body (stomach) side to side. l when you do sit ups just twist you stomach side to side

What precautions will do for fat loss in your stomach?

Sit ups burn a lot of fat from your stomach, Dancing is also good.Me personally I like to dance and hold my stomach in at the same time for about 30 min a day.

Does doing crunches off the side of a couch burn stomach fat?

You raise your legs while doing a crunch, so I am thinking that you mean sit-ups. Yes, doing sit-ups off the couch does burn stomach fat.

Is there a good excerise to lose fat around your stomach?

Yes, sit-ups and press-ups are good. I have been doing 50 of each per day and I have lost a lot of stomach fat

Do situps burn lower abdominal fat?

No. Sit ups and crunches do nothing to lower stomach fat. You can not "target" fat loss. You have to lower your total body-fat percentage. How you do that is to lower the amount of fat you consume in your food and up the amount of exercise you do to burn the fat that is already there. Also, Sit ups and crunches are very bad for your back. If you want to develop your stomach muscles, you should do various plank exercises. If you Google "sit ups are bad for your back" you'll see literally hundreds of pages of documentation that shows why they are bad for you. Personal fitness instructors who know what they are doing do not have their clients do sit ups and crunches anymore.

How much sit ups should a boy do to get a six pack for how long?

First of all, you can not have any fat around your stomach. If you do have fat, i suggest you go on a healthy diet and exercise(run). Then that will make your abs show more, and in sit ups, do as much as you could everyday. You will then see results and be able to do more sit ups everyday. LASTLY, NEVER EAT FAST FOOD.

Is there a workout that will help me lose my stomach fat?

Generally speaking, cardiovascular exercise such as running or biking is the mosre reliable method for losing stomach fat. These types of exercises are complimented well by exercises which target the abdominal muscles, such as sit ups.

Where do tablets go when you swallow them?

in your stomach u fat C**T!

How do you lose chest and stomach fat in 2 weeks?

Go anorexic

Does grease fill your stomach?

Foods that are high in fat make you feel full faster, but they digest just like everything else you eat. It will not just sit there in your stomach filling things up.

Can wrapping your stomach in plastic wrap burn belly fat?

no it doesn't work but then i actually went and did exercise (sit ups, runs etc) and i lost fat! :o omg isn't that surprising?