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because your braking the roots

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Q: Why does your tooth have pain when you wiggle it?
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How do you make a tooth wigglyer?

To make a tooth "wigglyer" or loosen a tooth, you can gently wiggle it with your fingers or tongue. Avoid forcefully pulling or twisting the tooth, as it could cause pain or damage. It is important to let your loose tooth naturally fall out on its own when it is ready.

How do you pull out a tooth?

Without pain: if you want to pull out a loose tooth with no pain, this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth back and forth and up and down. If it doesn't come out then, take a Kleenex and put the Kleenex over your tooth. Pinch your tooth really hard and pull it out. It wont hurt.With pain: if you want to pull a loose tooth out with pain (if you don't really mind), this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth for about 10 minutes. Take some pliers and pinch the tooth. Gently pull out the tooth. It usually doesn't hurt. This is the classic tooth-pulling strategy.I hope you guys get your money from the Tooth Fairy! *wink* Bah-bye, now!

What is making a tooth wiggle?

When the adult tooth is coming in

How do you remove a tooth pain free?

let's see, you go and get a piece of long string and tie it to your tooth and tie is to the door and then slam the door. it is a little painful though but if the tooth is ready to come out, you won't feel a thing or here is a less painful way this requires no pain at all.When i was smaller i made up my own steps to take out my canine tooth here are the steps i took and the tooth fell out in 1 DAY1.first brush your teeth brush the tooth that is falling out a little hard2.take some mouthwash and swish it around really hard for 30 minutes3.wiggle the tooth i wiggled it for the rest of the day but if you don't wanna do that then wiggle the tooth like this. 1 hour wiggle the tooth for 15 minutes the next hour wiggle it for 15 minutes and keep doing that until the day is over.4.go to sleep and take a long the morning the tooth should be really wiggly twist and bend the tooth for no pain on this try doing this every 12 minutes then the tooth should be out in 1 hour for the tooth to be really wiggly wake up at 7:00 or 8:00and the tooth is out with no pain you might think you were holding a little white pebble and didn't even notice it

Cost to pul lout one tooth?

wiggle it.

What should you do if your tooth hurts when you wiggle it and eat?

pull it out

What is the best way to get rid of a loose baby tooth?

Get some Orajel (teeth numbing) then wiggle it pull do what you have to do to get it out. Or as u can see I'm a teenager i still have some baby teeth. I let them fall out by themselves, but that can hurt more than just pulling them out. Hope this was helpful

How do you know if your tooth is ready to come out or not?

Usually, when your tooth is really ready to come out, it shouldn't hurt when you pull or wiggle it, if it does, it isn't QUITE ready because you shouldn't feel any pain. There will also be the taste of blood in your mouth and your tooth will be hanging by a tiny little root :)

How do you use the word wiggle in a sentence?

John would wiggle his tooth so that it would easily come out.

How do you lose your tooth?

You lose your tooth by not taking care of it! sorry........... It is by tooth decay. The teeth looks rotten and will come out! I will come out and you have to do cleaning in the dentist.....Try to eat harder things like apples , cookies (the hard kind!) etc. wiggle and if you have further pain see a dentist.

How do you make a tooth more loose without pulling it?

Wiggle it!

What if your tooth just will not come out and you really need it to?

just wiggle it as much as you can