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Q: Why does your twin brother have o blood and you have B?
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If you have blood type O neg and your wife has O pos how is it possible for your baby to have B pos?

*Note from asker: Both my parents and at least one brother have B pos blood... Possibility of a throwback gene?

Can parents with o blood group and b blood group produce a child with A blood group?

No, the o parent has to Have O,O alliesand the B parent would only have B,B or B,O allies. The only are B,O and O,O.

Can o and b have an a?

No, O and B blood type parents can not create an A blood type offspring. The only blood type offspring that can be created by these parents is O+, O-, B+, or B-.

Blood group b inject to o?

No - blood type B cannot donate to blood type O. This is because blood type B contains B antigens, and blood type O contains Anti-B antibodies. However, blood type O can donate to blood type B.

What will the result of O- blood plus B?

For a transfusion - blood type O can donate to blood type B. However, blood type O cannot except B-type blood. For offspring, with one O parent and one B parent - the child could be blood type O or B depending on the genotype of the parent with B-type blood.

Can parents who have B negative and O positive blood types have a child with B positive blood?

Yes. They can have B+, B-, O+, and O-.

If your dad's blood type is O and your mom's blood type is AB is it possible you and your brother are both AB?

nope that is not possible according to the plummet square. The possibilities for you and your brother is 50% A or 50% B.

What each letter blood?

The types of blood include: A, B, AB, and O. (A-, A+, B-, B+, AB-, AB+, O-, O+)

Can parents with b positive and o positive blood have a child with b type blood?

Yes. parent with B and a parent with O blood traits can have the following blood types in their children : B, O, BO

What is Lionel messi's bloodgroup?

O+ Blood group

What blood type can donate donate to all blood?

Ab+ universal receiver o- universal donor blood types: can donate to: can receive from: ab+: ab+: ab+ ab- a+ a- b+ b- o+ o- ab-: ab+ ab-: ab- b- a- o- a+: a+ ab+: a+ a- o+ o- a-: a+ a- ab+ ab-: a- o- b+: b+ ab+: b+ b- o+ o- b-: b- b+ ab- ab+: b- o- 0+: o+ a+ b+ ab+: o- o+ o-: o+ o- a+ a- b+ b- ab+ ab-: o-

Can two people with - blood type have a blood type baby?

For parents with o+o, they will have kids with O type blood. For parents with A+A, they will have kids with A or O type blood. For parents with B+B, they will have kids with B or O type blood. Foe parents with AB+AB, they will have kids with AB, A or B type blood.