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You may have a leaky heater core causing that condition. If you also smell coolant, you have a leaky heater core.

Look also at any water ingress around doors and windows. This can cause misting when heat enters the vehicle i.e. when heating is on etc.

Also one big issue is people use polish based window cleaners or cloths with window cleaner on. This will help form misting of glass. if this is the case wash down with soap and water, dry with tissue.

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Q: Why does your windshield fogs up?
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If the front windshield fogs up when you turn the heater on and you smell strong anitfreeze is the heater core bad?

Those are the classic symptoms for a heater matrix (core) leaking

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Probably engine coolant. The heater core is leaking coolant.

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The doors under the dash are the problem. It could be them or the actuators. When something goes wrong with the system the default is to provide defrost so that at least in the winter or if the windshield fogs up it will clear the windshield.

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You most likely have a leaking heater core, check you coolant level first while the truck is cool........

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Typically the front passenger side floor/carpet gets soaked with engine coolant and when you turn on the defroster, the inside of the windshield fogs up.

Why does your windshield keep fogging up?

Your windshelid fogs up because of the cold air outside mixing with the warm air inside your car, causing the water vapor in the air to stick to your windsheild. Just turn down the heat a bit to solve the problem.

Is my heater core defective if the inside of my car's windshield fogs up and I get a funny smell whenever I turn on the heater?

Yes. That smell is the coolant being blown into the air ducts. You might also notice a slimy film on the the glass that is very difficult to clean.

Whenever you turn on your defroster on your 1995 jeep Cherokee Laredo it fogs your windshield especially when you put it on the heater side and it blows out antifreeze vapors what is the problem?

Most likely your heater core is leaking.

When was FOGS Colts Challenge created?

FOGS Colts Challenge was created in 1986.

Can condensation form on dust particles?

Yes. And this is the cause of fogs. Fogs are just dust particles on which water is present. There are no fogs in America as it does not have dust particles.

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Is it smoke or is it atomized freon leaking from the AC system? If it fogs the windshield and smells funny, you may have a leak in the AC/Heater system.