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becouse we have bacteria that called hyperthermophiles organism thar can live at very high temp (80 c ) also we have thermophiles ...organism are heat lover they can live at temp (50-60)

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Q: Why doesn't the 48 to 50 C temperature of the melted agar kill most of the bacteria?
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Why doesn't the 48-50 degree Celsius of the melted agar killed most ofthe bacteria?

Most bacteria grows within that range of temperature. 74°C will kill almost all bacteria. Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats.

Why is culture medium cooled 48 temperature before is poured?

In pour plate technique the culture to be grwon is pour in melted agar medium, now when we add the diluted sample in agar plate and if the melted agar is very hot, it can lead to the damage of bacterial or fungal cell and may cause in abruption of growth, so the agar is cooled to get the optimum temp. for growth of microbial cell.

Which grows more bacteria broth or agar?

Agar, because broth is a natural fuel source for bacteria, whilst some types of agar are scientifically created, which makes it supreme for growing bacteria.

How does yersinia look on nutrient agar EMB agar and MacConkey agar?

Colorless, it doesnt ferment lactose.

What does it mean to inoculate an agar plate?

to inoculate an agar plate you would place bacteria on the agar to grow

What workplace uses agar?

Agar is a solid form of nutrient for different strains of bacteria. Anyone who needs to grow bacteria for use in their labs or experiments would use agar.

Why do you put bacteria in agar?


What is a Bacteria growing gel?


What type of semisolid medium is used to grow bacteria?

Agar is a semi solid medium used to grow bacteria.

Why are there areas on the agar jelly where no bacteria are growing?

There are areas on the agar plate where no bacteria grow because that area was missed when the plate was streaked.

How do you recognize bacteria on agar plate and not confusing bacteria with eukaryotes like yeast or fungi?

Use selective media agar plates. Different types of agar will let bacteria grow and inhibit fungal growth, or vice versa.

Is glucose salts agar selective?

Glucose Salts Agar (GSA) is a selective agar that selects for gram-negative bacteria only. This means that no gram-positive bacteria will be able to grow on it.