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I gets recycled

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Q: Why doesn't the air you breathe and the water you drink doesn't run out?
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Related questions

How does pollution spoil the environment?

It poisons the water we drink and the air we breathe.

What natural resources do tourist's use?

they drink our air and breathe our water!

What if the air we breathe or the water we drink kills us slowly for 80 years?

If in fact, the water we drink and the air we breathe both kill us over time, then there would be scientific proof and many different life forms would be extinct.

What planet is made of air?

its true ill tell ya we can eat all the pizza we want drink water and breathe in air

How do water scorpion breath?

They breathe through breathing tubes that will stick out of the water to get oxygen from the air.

What is more important to people soil air or water?

I dont know about the soil, but air is equally as important as water because you need air to breathe, and you needwater to drink. Without those, you'll die.

What comprises the physical environment in which we live in?

1. The earth we walk, drive, and build on 2. The air we breathe 3. Bodies of water and the water we drink

Do beavers breathe air or water?


What is the most bacterial infected part of the body?

The mouth. The air we breathe is full of creepy crawlies. The food we eat. The water we drink.

What is the essential to life?

Water to drink, air to breathe, food to eat, shelter to protect from the weather, heat for cooking, light and warmth.

Can sea otters breathe under water?

Otters can't breathe under water. They're mammals, they breathe air, with lungs. When they dive, they hold their breath.

How dolphins breathe in water?

They use a blow hole to breathe in/out air when the surface the water.