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In most animals, the male has no use other than to attract a female for breeding and having babies. The peacock is therefore very attract-ive. The peahen, on the other hand, makes the nests, and is responsible for the protection of the babies as they grow . . . if she were brightly-colored, she would attract predators who would try to eat her and the babies. That wouldn't be good!

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Q: Why doesn't the female peacock have colorful feathers like the male?
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Why are a peacock's feathers so colorful?

To attract female peacocks.

Why would the male peacock pull out his colorful feathers?

When a male peacock dances for a female peacock, the male peacock is attempting to impress the female peacock for mating purposes. If the male manages to impress the female, the female will allow the male to mate with her.

What is gender of peacock?

The gender of peacocks is masculine. The famine gender is peahen. Peacocks are large colorful bird with very long tail feathers than can be fanned out in display.

Does the male and female peacock both have feathers on the head?

Yes. It is more decorative and pronounced on the peacock than on the peahen.

Is it male or female pheasant that has the colorful feathers?

males are the colourful ones!

What is the difference in male and female peacock?

Among Peafowl, a male is a Peacock, and a female is a Peahen. This is a sexual and nominative difference. The cock is flamboyantly plumed; the hen is less so. There is usually a size difference as well.

What does a peacock do?

The term peacock is reserved for the male of the pea fowl. They are especially known for their colorful, extravagant long tail feathers that have 'eyes' at the dorsal end.

Does the male of female peacock have colorful feathers?

Female peacocks have feathers, too - its just that the males have the most brilliantly colored. Males only have the beautiful feathers because they are used to attract females. Since females do not need to attract males, they do not need brilliantly colored feathers.

Give you a sentence using the word male?

The male lion roared loudly to mark his territory.

Does the female peacock have a tail?

They are called peahens. They do have tails but are about the same body size, but their feathers are mostly grey and black (depending on the breed also) They do not have the long tail feathers as the males.

How do you spell peacok?

The name of the colorful bird is spelled peacock (the female is more correctly a peahen).

Why does the peacock attract the female?

Peacocks attract females with their noises and feathers, in order to mate with them.