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Because it's no the same as the Ps3

I'm not going to be mean and delete that answer, so I'll just make my own. The reason why the PSP doesn't have a trophy and a friends list is because of the HDD on the PSP. Although, this is what I believe. I'm also positive because the memory is in megabytes. Comparing that to the PS3 (which is measured in gigabytes) there is probably not nearly enough HDD to have those lists. Not to mention the fact that the PSP was released way before the PS3 and that the PSP's online gaming system is a bit harder to manage because the connection is all done by Wi-Fi. On a PS3 you can connect with an ethernet cable, which makes internet stronger. Main reason why is the HDD space, PSP = Mb PS3 = Gb. Although, this is just my opinion...

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Q: Why doesn't the psp have a trophy and friends list?
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