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An artery contains blood pumped away from the heart.

The pulmonary, or "lung" artery pumps "used" blood from the body away from the heart to the lungs to get a new, fresh load of oxygen for the body.

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Q: Why doesn't the pulmionary artery carry oxyengated blood?
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Which artery doesnt carry oxygen?

All arteries (the red blood vessels) carry oxygenated blood. it's the viens (the blue blood vessels) that don't carry oxygenated blood. However the Pulmonary artery carries Deoxygenated blood to the lungs to be reoxygenated, as it carries blood away from the heart it is called a Artery.

Why the wall of artery that carries blood from the heart to the body is thicker?

the wall is thicker because the force of the blood is high in arteries. Due to the high presure of the blood it doesnt tear.If there's a cut in the artery then the blood will flow off and the person won't be able to survive.

What type of blood does the artery carries?

artery carry pure blood but pulmanary artery carry improve blood to lungs from heart

Blood in what artery will enter into the brachial artery?

Axillary artery.

Trace blood from aortic arch to left radial artery?

From the aortic arch, blood flows through the left subclavian artery, then into the axillary artery, followed by the brachial artery. From the brachial artery, blood then reaches the radial artery in the forearm, supplying the distal part of the arm and hand with oxygenated blood.

Why is umbilical artery called an artery when it carries oxygenated and deoxygenated blood?

An artery is the vessel that carries blood away from the heart. The pulmonary artery carries only deoxygenated blood after birth.

What is the artery that takes blood to the alveoli?

The pulmonary artery takes the blood to the alveoli.

The pulmonary artery sends blood to the?

the pulmonary artery sends blood to the lungs.

Blood from the popliteal artery comes directly from what artery?

femoral artery

What artery carries deoxygenated blood from the heart?

Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. Arteries probably CAN carry deoxygenated blood if a person draws blood from a vein, then injects it into an artery. That would be very stupid though.

The vessels that supply blood to the diaphragm are the?

The vessels that supply blood to the diaphragm are the superior phrenic artery, the inferior phrenic artery, and the musculophrenic artery.

What type of blood vessels carries blood away from the heart?
