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Actually, thunder and lightning DO happen at the same time, but unless you are within the immediate proximity of the lightning strike, the observer usually sees the flash before hearing the thunder because light travels much faster (~11,000,000 mph) than sound (~750 mph).

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Q: Why doesn't thunder and lighting happen at the same time?
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Do lighting and thunder have the same cause?

No. Lightning is caused by electrical charges travelling from clouds to the earth, earth to clouds or cloud to cloud. Thunder is caused by lightning.

Can wind rain hail lightning and thunder happen at the same time?

It frequently does.

Is thunder lightning arrester and thunder arrester same?

Thunder and lightning go hand in hand and basically it is the same arrester that works for both. Yes. Thunder lightning arrester and thunder arrested are the same.

Why does the thunder sound hollow?

Because it is lighting between clouds. Most of the sound originates at the same distance from you. So the frequency of the sound is nearly the same. Therefor you can hear the harmonics created by the small difference in frequency.

Why is lighting before thunder?

The reason is because the speed of sound is slower than the speed of light. Thats why when lightning looks like a pure lightning strike that is not far away from your shelter, the thunder happens almost at the same time. If lightning was just a flash in the sky, the thunder takes longer to come up.

Related questions

Lighting occurs when?

During a storm or Thunder Storm or is it the same?

Do lighting and thunder have the same cause?

No. Lightning is caused by electrical charges travelling from clouds to the earth, earth to clouds or cloud to cloud. Thunder is caused by lightning.

Does thunder always mean lightning?

Generally, yes. Lighting and thunder originate at the same time, but since light travels much faster than sound, you see the lightning before you hear the thunder. The one exception is if the lighting strikes very close, within a few hundred feet. In this case you see the lightning and hear the thunder at essentially the same time.

Can wind rain hail lightning and thunder happen at the same time?

It frequently does.

Why is the sound of a thunder heard after the lighting is seen although they are produced at the same time?

Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Also the speed of light travels much faster than the speed of sound, so people should see lightning before they hear thunder.

Why is lighting accompanied by thunder?

Lightening is just an electrical spark. You hear a click with a small spark. With a big spark like lightening, the click becomes a bang. As the spark moves through the air it causes rapid expansion due to the heating. The expanding air is what you hear. Lighting and thunder happen at exactly the same time. Due to the distance from where it happened, to where you are stood, they become separated. Sound and light travel at different speeds. This is a great example of the difference in speed between sound and light.

Would you see lighting first or thunder?

Even though the lightning and thunder occur at roughly the same time, you would see a distant strike before you would hear it, because the light travels to you about 882 thousand times as fast as the sound does.

How does ligting form?

The thunder clouds rub up against each other, they create a static electricticity which is lighting it's like when you rub your feet on a rug go down a slide then shock smoenone it's the same thing as lighting but smaller.

Why are thunder storms usually accompanied by lighting and thunder?

They ALWAYS happen together. The lightning you see is an electrical discharge from ice crystals rubing together in clouds. This makes an almighty crack sound, and a bright light is observed. You hear the thunder after you see the lightning because sounds travels slower than light. But in fact, the sound and the light came to be at the same time. The further away you are from the strom the larger the delay between seeing the light and hearing the sound is.

Is thunder lightning arrester and thunder arrester same?

Thunder and lightning go hand in hand and basically it is the same arrester that works for both. Yes. Thunder lightning arrester and thunder arrested are the same.

Why does the thunder sound hollow?

Because it is lighting between clouds. Most of the sound originates at the same distance from you. So the frequency of the sound is nearly the same. Therefor you can hear the harmonics created by the small difference in frequency.

Why is lighting before thunder?

The reason is because the speed of sound is slower than the speed of light. Thats why when lightning looks like a pure lightning strike that is not far away from your shelter, the thunder happens almost at the same time. If lightning was just a flash in the sky, the thunder takes longer to come up.