

Why doesnt a lunar and solar eclipse happen in minnesota?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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They do happen in every state of the USA, you just have to wait for them. Lunar eclipses can be seen from half the Earth (the dark half), so you see more lunar eclipses than solar ones, which are just as frequent but can only be seen from a relatively small area of the Earth's surface.

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Q: Why doesnt a lunar and solar eclipse happen in minnesota?
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In 2089 The Eclipse Will Happen Ireland In Co.Louth Dundalk .There will be a total lunar eclipse on December 10, 2011.

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Lunar Eclipses happen on average twice a year.

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Lunar eclipses happen at the full moon.

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A lunar eclipse can happen at the time of any Full Moon, but no more than about 5 times in a year, max.