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the radio is playing

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1mo ago

Atticus doesn't hear Jem and Scout hollering because he is preoccupied with talking to the mob of men outside the jail. He is focused on diffusing the tense situation and protecting Tom Robinson from harm.

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9y ago

His radio was to loud

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Q: Why doesnt atticus hear jem and scout hollering?
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Basically Scout taught uncle Jack to hear both sides of the story before coming to a conclusion.

Why did Atticus want Scout to hear every word he said?

Atticus wanted Scout to hear every word he said during the trial to teach her important lessons about fairness, integrity, and empathy. He hoped that by witnessing the trial firsthand, Scout would learn about the complexities of human nature and the importance of standing up for what is right.

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Scout's Uncle Jack learned the importance of perspective and understanding individual experiences. He realized the need to listen to both Scout and Atticus, recognizing the value of empathy and open communication in building stronger relationships with his family.

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The first fight between Cecil Jacobs and Scout occurs in Chapter 9 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. It takes place towards the end of the chapter, starting on page 79 of the standard edition of the book.

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Yes, Atticus knew Scout was eavesdropping when he spoke of the prejudice in Maycomb. He deliberately spoke loud enough for her to hear in order to teach her an important lesson about the town's prejudiced attitudes and the importance of empathy and understanding.

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Atticus hopes to prevent Jem and Scout from catching the disease by living out the ideals of a non-racist way of life. In addition, he tells them that he'll answer any questions they have so that they don't hear things from the town. He also explains to them how unfair the disease is.

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Atticus wants Scout to raise her head when she talks to teach her the importance of confidence, respect, and effective communication. By looking others in the eye, Scout can convey her thoughts and feelings more clearly and assertively. It is a way for Atticus to instill good communication skills and self-assurance in Scout.

Why does scout walk away from the fight with cecil Jacobs?

Scout walks away from the fight with Cecil Jacobs because of Atticus's teachings about turning the other cheek and not letting others provoke her into a fight. She learns to avoid conflict whenever possible and chooses to follow her father's advice.

Why Scout frustrated with uncle Jack?

Scout is frustrated with Uncle Jack because he doesn't understand her perspective or take her concerns seriously. She feels misunderstood and dismissed when he doesn't support her in her disagreements with Atticus and doesn't realize the importance of her feelings.

In 'To Kill a Mockingbird' why does Atticus want Scout to overhear his conversation with Uncle Jack?

Atticus wants Scout to overhear his conversation with Uncle Jack to teach her an important lesson about empathy and understanding towards others. By hearing his perspective on how to handle Mrs. Dubose, he is demonstrating the values of compassion and patience that he wants to instill in his children.

Who said ''But you never figured out how Atticus knew you were listening and it was not until many years later that you relized he wanted you to hear every word he said?

This quote is from the book ''To Kill a Mockingbird'' by Harper Lee. It is referring to the character Atticus Finch, who wanted his children, Scout and Jem, to learn important lessons about justice and morality by overhearing his conversations and teachings. Atticus carefully orchestrated these moments to impart wisdom and guide their understanding of the world.