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Crooks, a character in "Of Mice and Men," doesn't believe in the dream of owning a farm with companions like Lennie, George, and Candy because he has faced consistent discrimination and isolation due to his race. He sees the dream as unattainable and unrealistic given the social barriers he faces.

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Q: Why doesnt crooks want the dream anymore of mice and men?
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What is crooks' dream in of mice and men?

Crooks dreams of being accepted and included by others, despite the racial discrimination he faces as a Black man. He longs for companionship and equality, envisioning a world where he is not marginalized and isolated.

When Lennie tells crooks about the land in of mice and men what was crooks first reply?

Crooks' first reply to Lennie telling him about the land is skepticism, as he is not convinced that George and Lennie will actually be able to achieve their dream of owning a piece of land. He questions Lennie about the feasibility of their plan and whether they truly understand the obstacles they may face.

What is crooks opinion of the secret Lennie told him you book of mice and men?

Crooks is surprised when Lennie tells him about the dream to own a farm with George, Candy, and the rabbits. He's initially skeptical but becomes more hopeful as he realizes that Lennie genuinely believes in the dream. Crooks is moved by the idea of being included in the dream, feeling a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Where was crooks born in of mice of men?

Crooks was born in California. He reveals this information during a conversation with Lennie in John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men."

What is crooks real name from of mice?

In John Steinbeck's novella "Of Mice and Men," Crooks is only known by his last name. His full name is not provided in the text.

Who is crooks in mice and men?

black stable-hand

What is crooks doing at the beginning and at the end?

of mice and men

'Of Mice and Men' what is crooks opinion of george and lennies desire to get land?

Crook's opinion of George and Lennie's desire to get land is that they are crazy. Crook believes they will never achieve that dream because no one ever achieves that dream.

Who shatters crooks dreams in mice and men?

Crooks' dreams are shattered by the harsh reality of the racist society he lives in, which limits his opportunities and makes him feel isolated and hopeless. Additionally, his experiences of discrimination and loneliness further contribute to the breakdown of his dream of a better life.

What is the name of the black farmhand in Mice of men?

The name of the black farmhand in "Of Mice and Men" is Crooks. He is segregated from the other workers on the ranch and faces discrimination due to his race.


The black man in "Of Mice and Men" is named Crooks. He is the stable hand on the ranch where the story takes place. Crooks faces discrimination and isolation due to his race.

How many brothers did crooks have of mice and men?

Crooks did not have any brothers in "Of Mice and Men." He is the only African-American worker on the ranch and faces segregation and isolation from the other workers.