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a flame will continue to burn until all the oxygen is gone. then it will go out.

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Q: Why doesnt the flame of a candle go out when you cover the flame?
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Why does the candle blow out when you cover it with something?

the flame uses oxygen and if you cover it, the candle will burn all the oxygen and will go out because it ran out of fuel

Why flame of candle will go upward?

gravitational force con't effect on gasses..

Why does a candle go out in a bell jar?

It doesn't get any oxygen and therefore the flame goes out

What caused the candle to go out?

Well mainly pressure against the flame WHEN YOU BLOW IT: Well when you put air pressure aginst the flame it causes it to go out PUT SOMETHING ON TOP: Well when you put somehting on top(such as a metal candle burner) it puts pressure against the aventually burns out

Why do candles go out when we put glass jars over them?

The concentration of oxygen in the air in the beaker becomes insufficient for the flame to carry on burning, or the carbon dioxide produced is trapped in the beaker, and the increased concentration causes the flame to be extinguished.

Why does a candle lose its flame in a sealed box?

Eventually yes, it may last a few moments but for a flame to burn it needs access to oxygen. Sealing it in something will cause the flame to go out.

What happens to the bad dreams when they are gone?

Dreams, whether good or bad, have no existence beyond your own experience of them. Dreams do not "go" anywhere or "do" anything.> We can compare dreams to the light of a candle flame. When a candle is burning, the flame is very real and visible. Then when you blow out the candle, the flame is gone. It did not "go" anywhere else, it simply stopped. A dream is like that candle flame. It feels very real while you are asleep and dreaming. Then when you wake up, the dream is gone. You might remember the dream, or you might forget what it was about, but it did not "go" anywhere. Other than the memory of the dream in your mind, that dream no longer exists.

Who will go where when the world ends?

Your question has theological overtones, and remember, all religious opinions are debatable. Some people believe that the good people, or the Elect, go to Heaven while those of lesser virtue go to Hell. Some would tell you that when the world ends, we will end with it, and nobody is going anywhere. Where does a candle flame go when the candle is blown out? Candle flames go to candle flame heaven, you might imagine, or more realistically, it doesn't go anywhere, it is just gone.

When you light a candle in a closed beaker why does the flame go out?

Oxygen is needed for burning.When a candle is kept in a closed beaker a certain quantity of air(containing oxygen, other gases too) is trapped. When it is burnt then candle starts using all the oxygen to convert into carbon dioxide and flame goes off.

What happens when you put a glass jar on a candle?

a flame needs oxygen to burn so if you put a lit candle in a closed container (like a jar) the oxygen will continue to fuel the fire until there is no more oxygen and the candle will go out

What happens when a copper wire is placed over a burning candle?

The candle's flame appears to go out, but the candle is still burning. In reality, the coil of copper wire is conducting heat away from the candle flame. If you remove the coil of wire, the flame reappears. Hope this helps!

When a candle burns wax undergoes a combustion reaction would a candle burn longer in the open or when covered with an inverted glass jar?

The candle burning in the open will burn longer, because it has easy access to oxygen to sustain the reaction. The flame of the candle burning under the jar will go out quickly, since it will use up its available oxygen faster than the oxygen can be replenished. Even if the jar is open at the bottom, the heat, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide produced by the flame will prevent sufficient oxygen from getting to the flame to feed it.