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It might Ponds often dry up when their sources -- rain, runoff, and rivulets -- don't supply enough water to replenish what is lost via evaporation and seepage. Lakes, on the other hand, rarely dry up because their sources -- rain, runoff, underground springs, and streams -- more than keep up with what is lost. Lakes, themselves,are often sources of rivers.

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Q: Why doesnt the water in ponds and lakes seep away?
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Related questions

How do most ponds and lakes form?

Lakes and pond can form where there are hollows, with a non-porous underlying layer that will prevent the water seeping away underground.

What is it called when the lakes and ponds is away from the shore but close the surface?

I think it is the limnetic zone

Explain how ponds and lakes form?

Ponds and lakes form when rainwater is collected in a large dip in the ground, and eventually, the land around it gets washed away, making the area big enough not to evaporate every time there is a dry spell.

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elephants get rid of excretion by pooping out of its but as it walks away its truly a disgusting site to see.

In which ways have vascular plants evolved?

There are tons of ways that these plants evolved, but only one BIG change, they can drink their water, and live away from the rivers, ponds, lakes, and streams. They can grow where they thing is best suited to their needs.naww, the real answer is gymnosperms, bryophytes, angiosperms.

Is there groundwater below lakes?

There can be groundwater below lakes but it depends on whether that ground water a supply for the lake or it takes away the water in lake, and the amount that can keep the water in the lake.It also depends on the type of lakes that lake is decides the importance of groundwater.Lakes interact with groundwater in three ways: it can have groundwater in-flow that gives it water, or it can have seepage loss to groundwater, and most lakes have both.

Why are the great lakes salty?

These lakes have no outlets to carry the salts away to the sea.

What is a low tide?

the lowest point to which the water level of lakes, rivers and oceans as water moves away from the shore because of the moon's gravitational attraction

What causes a pool liner to turn white?

A vinyl liner floats because of excessive ground water. This usually happens because of extreme weather conditions such as rain or snow. A broken pipe, proximity to bodies of water i.e. creeks, ponds, and lakes are also causes of floating liners.Also if the pH value of the pool is to low (to acidic) because the acidic water will eat away the stuff in between the tiles of the pool.

Why does a lake often have a short life?

Most lakes are relatively short lived in geologic terms. Many lakes eventually disappears because too much of their water drains away or evaporates.

Is there any fresh water in Boston?

Yes, absolutely. While Boston is near the Atlantic Ocean, it is also near a number of lakes, ponds, and rivers. For example, there are fresh water beaches in Natick (Cochituate State Park, perhaps twenty minutes from Boston by car) and in Milton (Houghton's Pond, about ten minutes from Boston by car). There are also others which are farther away from Boston, in central and western Massachusetts.

Does the Gulf of California connect to one of the great lakes by water?

No. The Gulf of California is thousands of miles away from the Great Lakes across mountains and the the continental divide. It would be impossible for any water connection, natural or man-made, to connect the two.