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Domestic violence should not be strengthen because of its negatives effects. It affects individual emotionally, physically, which in turn affects the family and the society.

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Q: Why domestic violence should not be significantly strengthened?
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Why should domestic violence be considered a private affair?

Domestic violence is a crime, and a public affair. Abusers probably want it to be considered a private affair to avoid the shame of owning their actions, but in general, most believe that domestic violence should be a public affair.

Is it wrong to steal a girl away from her boyfriend if the cirumstance included domestic violence?

If the boyfriend is beating the girl, or otherwise, causing violence toward her, it is correct to take the girl away, and you should call the police. Domestic violence is illegal, and steps need to be taken to protect victims of domestic violence. Tell your parents, tell your teachers, tell the police. Domestic violence is wrong, and should be stopped.

Cultural and ethnicity domestic violence questions?

If a person's culture teaches that men should dominate women, you will see more domestic violence in that culture.

Will you get drug tested if you are on probation for domestic violence?

Yes and you should be

Can a District Attorney negotiate from a domestic violence charge to a non domestic violence charge?

Unfortunately they probably can. They should be required to throw the book at abusers though.

Do you believe that domestic violence should be traumatizing?

Because of the word "Violence" traumatizing is automatically included; without traumatization of violence there would be neither.

You had a domestic violence case exsponged in Oklahoma will it still show up in a background check from a Texas police dept?

You should look carefully into the circumstances under which you had this Domestic Violence record supposedly "expunged" and who told you that it was expunged. It is my understanding that Domestic Violence is NOT an expungable offense.

Why is domestic vilonce good?

Domestic violence is very bad except when it's necessary to defend yourself. You should call the police first if the abuse in your family is that bad that you need to resort to violence to defend yourself. Domestic violence is wrong, except for self defence, as a last resort.

Is violence between two friends considered domestic violence?

No, domestic violence typically refers to violence between current or former intimate partners or family members. Violence between friends would not fall under the category of domestic violence, but it is still a serious matter that should be addressed.

Should there be a special rule for the emergency exception in domestic violence cases?

There is no such thing as a "special rule" or an "emergency exception" in domestic violence cases and cannot even begin to fathom why there would even be one.

How does one accused of domestic violence go about filing counter charges?

You should get a lawyer who specializes in family law and domestic violence claims. I didn't and now I suffer for that. See my site with my personal story and the injunction documents that show how flawed domestic violence laws are and how biased the courts are against men.

Why is vilonce good?

Domestic violence is very bad except when it's necessary to defend yourself. You should call the police first if the abuse in your family is that bad that you need to resort to violence to defend yourself. Domestic violence is wrong, except for self defence, as a last resort.