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they dont have standard issue side arms, allthough it is an option for a officer to carry there own arm if its fully registered and licenced. often they DID infact carry side arms with the IRA being such a problem, they just kept them hidden

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Q: Why don't British policemen carry guns?
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Should policemen carry guns?

in most cases, yes.

What country does not allow policemen to carry guns?

British policemen and Irish gardai on regular patrol have been armed with batons and whistles for many years. They do, however, have the ability to call on an armed squad if the situation requires it. Japanese policemen are also mostly unarmed.

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Not in the UK they don't ! The 'regular' police are limited to carrying a truncheon or baton, and a CS spray. Specialist (firearms) officers can carry hand-guns, automatic rifles and stun-guns.

Do british polismen normaliy carry guns?

British police officers normally don't carry guns unless they need to respond to a gun-related incident.

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No but they do carry guns and their not afraid to use them... or sometimes their afraid and want to live but yeah the don't carry axes in their car i mean why would they but i hope this will answer your question

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the Tommy gun

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The main guns for the british I believe were Maxims, dont know about the germans.

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Some did.

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There is a lot of disapproval towards gun ownership in the US.

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Do police carry guns?

Yes, all cops are required to. The guns vary depending on department. But most use .40 S&W. or .357 SIG. They carry a shotgun in the boot/trunk. Ones that work in high crime areas, also carry an AR-15 (.223) or police version of the M-16.