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The mainstream (liberal) media knows the truth. They know Bain Capital has acted fairly in trying to make a profit. Ask Dan Rather. He was fired from CBS for using fake documents in his reporting about George Bush. You don't hear about this either.

You don't hear about the many failures of Obama such as his fake stimulus packages because the media is liberal biased. Obama took money from GM bondholders to pay off the union for their votes and left the bondholders high and dry. His idea of redistributing the wealth.

Obama is the outsourcer-in-chief. He has caused many more jobs to be outsourced than Bain Capital. The liberal media is afraid to touch this for fear that the truth be known.

Obama tries to picture someone making money as shameful. This is the American Dream. It is know as Capitalism! A concept that is foreign to Oduma.

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Q: Why don't I hear the same news about Bain and Romney in the mainstream media Ie NBC news for example?
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How did Mitt Romney acquire his wealth?

Mitt Romney comes from a wealthy family. He was then very successful financially as Vice President and then as CEO of management consulting firm Bain & Company, and as co-founder of the private equity investment firm he spun off, Bain Capital. He and his wife have a net worth of roughly a quarter of a billion dollars.

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Did Barack Obama co- founed the investment firm Bain capital?

No, that was Romney.

What jobs did Mitt Romney have before running for president?

Romney was the government of Massachusetts. Before that he ran an large investment firm, Bain Capital.

Did Obama co-found the investment firm Bain Capital?

No, he did not. His opponent, Mitt Romney is the one who co-founded Bain Capital, back in 1984.

Is Mitt Romney telling the truth about involvement of Bain?

Of course he is why would he lie about such a delicate situation.

How much did Mitt Romney get paid?

Mitt Romney made a fortune in business at Bain Capital. His net worth is estimated around $200 million dollars.

Did the executives from Bain donate money to Obama?

Not all of them, but yes, a small number of them did. Because Bain is a huge corporate entity with many subsidiaries and branches, a few individual executives have indeed donated to Mr. Obama, and for that matter, some may have donated to Ron Paul, or to Mitt Romney, or to some other candidate. Bain as a company probably does not want to have any one official policy about political giving, since the corporation owns an interest in a number of businesses, some of which are in states that lean towards Obama and others that lean towards Romney. We know, for example, that the owner of the office supply store Staples (a company Mr. Romney is credited with turning around) has contributed mainly to the Romney campaign. But we also know that several executives associated with Bain have made donations to Mr. Obama for many years, going back to his years in the Senate.

What did Mitt Romney work before he was a president?

Well, Mitt Romney isn't a president (yet)... but he has worked as Governor of Massachusetts and is a sucessful businessman. Most noteably, he is an executive for Bain Capital.

What prior political and leadership exepericence does romney have that makes hime qualified to be the next president?

Governor of Massachusetts; executive at Bain Capital

Did Obama outsource jobs to china?

No, he did not. You are confusing him with Mitt Romney, his challenger in the 2012 election. Mr. Romney's company, Bain Capital, outsourced some American jobs, and China was one place those jobs went.