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There are two aspects to the answer to this question: evil spirits and the state of the dead.

First, Adventists do believe that evil spirits (fallen angels) can appear to people in the form of dead relatives, etc. to scare or confuse them. Adventists believe that evil spirits will do anything they can to impede humanity's salvation, including appearing to them disguised in order to confuse. Adventists also believe that evil spirits have the power to appear in many forms and are not to be taken lightly.

Second, Adventists believe in the concept of soul sleep, which teaches that people who die do not go directly to heaven or hell (or stay on earth as a wandering spirit), but instead cease to exist until the Second Coming of Jesus (when God will resurrect them, basically recreating them). Because any individual who dies is not conscious of the passing of time, the next thing he or she will see is the Second Coming, and that means it is rather similar to being asleep. This is why Adventists do not believe that someone who has died becomes a ghost.

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Q: Why don't Seventh-day Adventists believe in ghosts?
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you dont they dont exist.

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Aliens could be real... I mean we dont know. And in my opinion we are ignorant if we think we are the only species. And I too believe in ghosts. I think they are real, you can think what you want though. I dont really think Vampires are real..

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you can go all by yourself its okay dont be afraid of the dark. yes there are ghosts and monsters but dont cry its okay. like you would believe this!

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to be honest with you i really do think ghosts are real! think about it, has anything ever happened where you dont have an explaination for. i believe ghosts want you to help them. they are down here because they want to fix whatever they did wrong in life so they can go to heaven! that is my oppion.

What does ghost mean in Spanish?

If you dont believe i them then you wont get haunted by them you just dont believe in them and by the way there id no such things as ghosts people only believe in them because they think that ghosts are the souls of dead people but there not souls just go into heaven there not ghosts but if you want to believe in them then you can !. I really dont think that ghost exist because if souls go to heaven or hell then why would there be lost souls also i only believe in demons or and angel but if there is such things as ghost then i know that they are not good ghost because good souls go to heaven with their king. ------------------ What this person has told you is not true. A person's belief in ghosts is what can keep them alive. If you don't believe in ghosts then they will do some things to make you believe in them. Even hurt you if they have to. Trust me, I've had experience with them. They are real. Just because people haven't seen them or felt them doesn't mean that they don't exist. I mean you can't see air and you know that it exists, right? There are even ghosts in the bible so yeah they exist. Ghosts are spirits of those who have passed on, who are trapped on earth or choose to stay on earth.