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Rocket motors carry their own oxygen supply (oxygen is important for combustion), whereas automobile engines do not - they draw their oxygen from the air taken in from outside the vehicle.

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Q: Why don't car engines work in space but rocket engines will?
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How do space crafts move in space?

Either by thrusters or a rocket engine. Thrusters work by small puffs of gass, usually CO900. Rocket engines work fuel.

Why does a space craft requires a rocket engine instead of a jet engine?

because jet engines reqire air to take in in order to work, rocket engines spew matter to privide thrust

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they will do the work

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Space shuttle orbiters, the International Space Station, the Hubble Space Telescope, and any other spacecraft have maneuvering engines to make adjustments in their orientation or even changes in orbit. These engines work on the same Newtonian principle that "to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" that the larger rocket engines that got them up there in the first place operate on. These principals are the same in Earth's atmosphere as the vacuum of space.

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Rocket scientists work for space agencies such as NASA. They also help to develop new rocket powered weapons for the military.

Can you use petrol as a fuel in rocket engine?

Rocket fuel contains oxygen, which is not found in space. A rocket in space could theoretically work in space if it were to carry its own oxygen, but other fuels such as hydrogen are more efficient.

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Ion engines only work in the vacuum of space.

Why will a rocket work in space when there isn't any air?

Rockets in space carry both the fuel and oxidizer with them into space.

What parts make a rocket ship work outter space?

The Engine

Why do rocket engines work in space?

Why shouldn't they? The basic physical principles are the same in space as here on Earth. An understanding of Newton's Third Law may help understand how rockets work. They do not work outside of near Earth since no atmosphere and zero substantial gravity makes Newton's explanation moot. It'll just BS.

Did the invention of the airplane affect space travel?

It may have been an inspiration but space travel borrows very little from aeroplanes. Aeroplane wings need air so they do not work in space. The same is true of jet engines. Spacecraft use rocket motors to break free from the earth's atmosphere.