

Why don't cats get colds?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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yes!! my cat has the sneezies right now.

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Yes, they can.

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They do.

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Q: Why don't cats get colds?
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Does neozep can cure cats with colds?

NO. It is not Safe! It could lead to cat coma. As what we saw in one case. So dont give it to your cat. medications for humans are different from them.

What animal can give you a cold?

This is a old wise tale. The viruses that give us colds, and the viruses that give our pets colds are not the same. Colds for example are a upper respiratory disease in dogs and cats. None of these can be transmitted to humans or from humans to our pets.

Can cats get sickness and diarrhoea from humans?

Cats cannot get sick from humans but they can contract diseases just like humans, if they eat something that does not agree with them they could have a stomach upset and have dhiarea the same as a human. Cats do get colds though.

Do cats have colds?

Healthy cats have a warm, dry nose. Cats' noses are generally supposed to be cold and wet. If their noses are warm and dry, then there might be a problem. not the word "might". It is not necessary for them to be sick if their noses are not wet and cold. Only if they show other symptoms of sickness you should be worried. But normally, because cats lick their noses, when healthy, their noses are wet and cold.

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Gorillas dont like cats

How dos fur help cats?

fur helps cats by keeping them warm. if they did not have fur, living in the wild would be hard. they could get a lot of colds and they are esier to catch. cats need fur for camoflauge.if youhave a spynx, keep it indoors!

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