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Cats cannot get sick from humans but they can contract diseases just like humans, if they eat something that does not agree with them they could have a stomach upset and have dhiarea the same as a human.

Cats do get colds though.
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Q: Can cats get sickness and diarrhoea from humans?
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What types of sickness can robo dwarf hamsters get?

They can get "wet tail" otherwise known as diarrhoea. It's very bad for them. You can notice when they have it by checking on their bathroom doings. If they are wet, they could have diarrhoea. If they are dry, that's a good sign. Avoid this sickness by buying them medicene to put in their water. You can get it at a local pet market.

Can cats see humans?

Yes, cats can see humans.

Why do wild cats avoid humans?

They are probably scared of humans. Unlike domestic cats, wild cats are not raised with humans. Hope this helped!

Can cats sense when a women is pregnant?

They can get morning sickness, yes.

How does rectus abdominus differ in humans from cats?

Cats don't have tendinous intersections and humans do.

Is there an over the counter medicine for sick cats?

i think it depends on the sickness .

Are cats smarter than humans?

Cats are smarter than humans. - INCORRECT.

How much DNA do humans share with cats?

Humans and cats share about 90% of their DNA. The genetic similarities are evident in various aspects, such as the structure and function of certain genes controlling traits like metabolism and immune response.

How long have humans used cats?

"used cats" cats arent drug!!

What do you do if your neighbors cat has diarrhoea and blood on him bum?

tell him or her that there cats has possible rectal bleeding and that they need to rush him or her to the vet right away.