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Because they don't need to court anyone.

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Q: Why don't female peacocks have colorful feathers?
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Related questions

Do female peacocks spread their back feathers?

Peahens dont have that many feathers. They are like a hen. Peacocks (a male peacock) are the only birds that have big feather that spread out in the back.

Do peacocks spit?

No they dont because i think the dont have spit

Do peacocks eat stink bugs?

no they dont

Can a female cardinal fly without tail feathers?

I dont know about the female but a Male Cardnial appeared at my feeder today with out any tail feathers and I watchd him fly to a tree branch. My question would be why did this bird not have any tail ferthers?

What is the average sale for peocoks?

Pet Peacocks are only a 'pet' if you tain it from when it was very young . However some peacocks are not trainable and most are "dont bug me' type. colorful peacocks are between $35.- $75, White Peacocks range from $100. and up.. All prices vary in the region you live, if you live where peacocks are abundant, then you will pay next to nothing, if you live where there are very little then you will pay thru the nose. Also, dont just buy ANY peacock from any auction, make sure the breeder has clean pens, you dont want to buy any that are sick and are living in dirty feces pens... I am a birdologist and any bird can be a potential hazard to the rest of your flock of birds if you have them. So CAUTION is my word for you..

How do feathers stay on birds?

they dont, burds stay on da feathers

Does a peacock eat a rabbit?

No. Peacocks are insectivores and herbivores, not carnivores, thus they do not eat rabbits.

What are colorful parrots called?

i dont noe

What is the peacocks habitat?

I dont know please tellme sad sadsadsadsad

What is the population of peacocks?

oh nah the real population of peacocks is dont know,go ask some1 who givs.NAH JUST JOKES EH CO ALGEEZ LO.nAH REALLY I DONT KNOW.

What phobia is the fear of feathers or being tickled by feathers?

Pteronophobia: literally, "fear of feathers".

How can you tell from a female peacock bass from a male peacock bass?

At maturity, females are much larger, any bass over seven pounds is most certainly a female. With smaller fish, females tend to be somewhat darker on top than males.