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Because they are smart.

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Q: Why don't fish crash into each other?
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How do star fish attract each other?

i dont know so don't ask

Can you breed to Betta fish and they will not kill each other?

i dont no why should i? Unless they are really well trained, you have no chance. Try talking to someone at a pet shop or a fish expert.

Do betta eat other fish?

they dont eat other fish they just attack them to kill

Which is the laughter fish?

a laughter fish is not real there are lots of other fish but i dont think there is one

Why dont fish talk back to you?

fish can not speak , though they have their own way of cumnunicating with other fish

Do Siamese fighting fish and goldfish eat each other?

Naturally, no. But one would eat the other's fry. DONT PLAN ON PUTTING THEM TOGETHER! They will require different temperatures and diets to maintain.

How mountain emerges?

Because the tectonic plates crash into each other and the only place to go is up, that's why fish are found at the top of mountains because the land was once the sea bed.

Why are your fish hovering on top of each other?

it means Fish eggs

Why do fantail fish chase and nip each other?

Because they like each other:]

How does lair apply to schools of fish?

fish have lairs

What to do if your fish is pregnant and their are only 2 fish in your tank?

nothing![although, dont let the other fish eat the pregnant one]

I have a platy and it is really skinny the back end of it couldnt be thinker than a piece of paper i see him eat and he is the first fish to greet me. I dont think he has worms dont know what to do...?

also he is in with two other fish the two of them are Balloon mollies and dont seem to be chasing or bulling him, in my other tank we have 4 platys with other fish and they are really plump and same with the other fish in my tank besides the platy. Im really worried and i dont think it is normal for him to be that skinny : (