

Why don't horseshoe crabs look like other crabs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Despite its name the Horseshoe Crab is not actually a crab. It is more closely related to Spiders, scorpions and ticks.

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Q: Why don't horseshoe crabs look like other crabs?
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Why do horseshoe crabs molt?

because they feel like it

How are horseshoe crabs blood used?

It is used for treating diseases like cancer.

How many eyes do crabs have?

hermit crabs can have up to 6 eyes

What are hermit crabs prey?

There are not many hermit crab predators. Their shells protect them. Man is the greatest threat to hermit crabs.

Why do people like horseshoe crabs or dislike horseshoe crabs?

At first a horseshoe crab can look scary, because we associate them with crabs, and they're not like anything we usually encounter. They are completely harmless-although the edges and spikes on their shells can be sharp. They are actually very calm and slow. Their tail is harmless. It's actually a delicate organ for them and loaded with sensors. When horseshoe crabs swim, they steer with their tail. When they are on the beach at the edge of the water, they can get flipped upside-down. They use their tail to flip themselves right side up. Look up how they save the lives of humans every day!

How long are horseshoe crabs?

Horseshoe crabs have three main parts to the body: the head, the abdominal region, and the spine-like tail. Females, which are typically 25 to 30% larger than the male, can grow up to be 24 inches in length from head to the tip of the tail.

How many eggs can a horseshoe crab lay?

Well, Female crabs lay roughly 15-20 baby eggs. But sadly, many reptiles (including predator from Alien VS Predator) eat, and feast off these eggs and their insides. So about, 0 crabs survive due to the predators nommin' em,

How does a horseshoe crab move?

Horseshoe Crabs move by scuttling on the bottom with their 5 jointed legs.

What are the uses of the horseshoe crab?

I know of no nutritional use, edible (culinary)or otherwise (medicinal), to humans. I do know that each year the horseshoe crabs comes up on beaches to lay thousands of eggs and these eggs and resulting newborn baby crabs provide numerous birds, water fowl and other sea creatures with nutritious meals. Also, as crabs are scavengers, they keep the ocean bottom clean.

Why arent hermit crabs real crabs?

because they dont look like any ordinary crab and they carry their house. crabs cant hide in their shells.crabs dont switch shells and hermit crabs are most often pets not food no offense crabs!

How does baby hermit crabs look like?


Why do hermat crabs like to be with other crabs?

Hermit crabs like to be with others, like how other animals like to be. It always nice to have another partner. I had several hermit crabs and they lasted longer than ones with out any other hermit crab.