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They do get cold. They can even die from the cold. They are just adapted to stand cold better than other animals.

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Q: Why don't penguins get cold living on the ice?
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How do you save the penguins from the ice burg on club penguin?

you dont

What is a penguins habitat?

a penguins habitat is a very cold one it is freezing cold and is full of ice and especially icebergs

Do sharks hunt in the same waters that penguins swim in?

It is too cold where the penguins live sharks only live in in the ocean not in ice cold water.

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Why penguins stand on their heels?

to lessen the amt of skin in contact with the ice as it is very cold

How many penguins does it take to tip the ice berg on Club Penguin?

you can but i dont know

What are Penguins environment?

What habitat does a penguin live in?Penguins live in a cold ice berge in Antarctica they mostly stay in there habitat when its mostly day time but some penguins spend time in there ice berge at night time.

Where does the biggest population of penguins live?

in a cold place like Antarctica or other ice places

What biome do emperor penguins live in?

the polar biome

Can you name some birds living in ice?

yes penguins,artic terns , albatross and ptarmigans.

On what landforms do penguins live on?

is pegiuns landform is ice rite because i am a pegiun lover but i dont know

Are there penguins in the Arctic?

Penguins live almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, mainly in Antarctica. There are no penguins living in the Arctic.