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The Moon orbits around the Earth on an angle so it usually does not go directly behind the Earth. When it does move directly behind the earth, that is when we see a lunar eclipse.

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Q: Why don't people on Earth see an eclipse of the moon every full Moon phase?
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Why does a solar eclipse not occur with every new moon phase and a lunar eclipse with every full moon phase?

Because the Moon's orbit around the Earth is not in the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The Moon's orbit is tilted at approximately 5 degrees to the Earth's orbit around Sun. As the Moon orbits the Earth, it is usually either "above" or "below" the Earth's orbital plane around the Sun. Greg

What phase is the moon in when it is between the sun and the earth?

an eclipse not an ellipse

What phase is the moon in when it is in between sun and earth?

an eclipse not an ellipse

During the what phase the moon is between earth and the sun?

If the Moon is between Earth and the Sun, it is not a phase, at all . . . it is a solar eclipse.

What phase does the moon lie between the sun and earth?

A lunar eclipse

When Earth is between the sun and the moon the moon is in its phase.?

an eclipse not an ellipse

During what phase of the moon could an eclipse of the sun occur?

The new moon phase and the full moon phase

How does the Moon from a full moon phase turn to a partial eclipse when there is an eclipse?

The sun is behind earth at that time. The earth's shadow makes the eclipse. Some areas of the world will see a full eclipse and other's will see a partial.

What phase of the moon can the lunar eclipse occur?

A lunar eclipse occurs at a FULL MOON when Earth is directly between the moon and the sun!!

What phase of the moon is it possible to see a solar eclipse from the earthif the moon happens to be crossing the plane of the earth's orbit at that time?

The Moon phase during a solar eclipse would be a New Moon.

Why don't eclipse occur during every full moon or new moon?

This is because the Moon needs to be blocking the source of light provided to us, this source is the Sun. The 'new moon' is the first phase where there is almost no visible moon. The 'full moon' is where you can see the whole moon. To cause a solar eclipse, the moon needs to be in the line of the Earth and the Sun, and to cause a Lunar eclipse, the Earth needs to be in the line of the Sun and the Moon. Sun-Moon-Earth = Solar Eclipse Sun-Earth-Moon = Lunar Eclipse

When the moon is between the Sun and the earth what phase do you see?

lunar eclipse which is the moon blocking the sun