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they all have different shaped bodies and different characteristics

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Q: Why don't roundworms flatworms and annelid worms belong in the same group of invertebrates?
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How are round worms different from flatworms?

While both flatworms and roundworms are soft-skinned invertebrates, their biology differs greatly enough to put them into to distinct categories. Flatworms belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes, while roundworms belong to Nematode.Flatworms have flat, ribbon shaped bodies, while roundworms are round (but not segmented) and taper towards the end. Both are bilaterally symmetrical. Roundworms are sexed, with two different genders, while flatworms may either be sexed, hermaphroditic, or use asexual reproduction.

Why don't roundworms flatworms and annelidworms belong to different phyla?

They don't.

What belong roundwors vertebrate or invertebrate?

Roundworms (scientific name: Nematoda) are invertebrates, as they do not have a spine.

Do flatworms have hearts?

Roundworms do not have hearts, skeletons, nor blood vessels. Roundworms belong to the phylum Nematoda. This group contains different types of animals like the hookworm and pinworm.

What phylum does roundworms belong to?

Roundworms belong to the phylum Nematoda.

What is the scienitific name for roundworms?

Roundworms belong to the phylum Nematoda.

What is the classification of helminthes?

Helminths are classified as parasitic worms that belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes (flatworms) and the phylum Nematoda (roundworms). They can further be categorized into different classes based on their anatomical features and life cycles.

What phylum do flatworms belong to?

Flatworms are in the Platyhelminthes Phylum

What class do flatworms belong to?

They belong to any class that are under the phylum platyhelminthes.

Do tapeworms belong to the roundworm phylum?

no, they belong to the flatworms

To what phylum do flatworms belong to?

Flatworms belong to the phylum platyhelminthes.

What phylum do flukes belong to?

Flukes belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes, which are also known as flatworms. These parasitic flatworms can be found in various hosts, including humans.