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Because they are in orbit which means they have enough forward motion to keep them into a state of "Free Fall". A satellite is falling to earth's center due to gravity. But for every inch it falls toward earth, earth move out of it's way by one inch.

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4w ago

Satellites orbit the Earth because they are moving fast enough horizontally that the gravitational force pulling them toward the Earth is balanced by the force causing them to move in a circular path around it. This results in a stable orbit where the satellite continuously falls towards the Earth but never hits it due to its forward motion.

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What pulls satellites towards the center of the earth?

Gravity .

Were does gravity pull you?

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How might Earth's gravity affect an object?

Earth's gravity affects an object by attracting it towards the center of the Earth, causing the object to have weight. The strength of this gravitational force depends on the mass of the object and the distance between the object and the center of the Earth. Objects experience a downward acceleration due to gravity, causing them to fall towards the Earth if unsupported.

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Gravity pulls everything towards the center of mass of an object. For example, on Earth, gravity pulls objects towards the center of the planet.

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You can show gravity with an arrow pointing downward from a central point, indicating the force pulling objects towards the center of mass. The length of the arrow can represent the magnitude of the gravitational force.

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The force of gravity always acts in the direction towards the center of the Earth.

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Yes, Earth's gravity pulls objects towards its center. The force of gravity between Earth and objects on or near its surface causes everything to be pulled towards the center of the planet.

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Gravity pulls objects towards the center of the Earth.

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Gravity pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. This force is responsible for keeping everything on the planet grounded and in place.

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