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Q: Why don't specialized cells undergo mitosis?
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What types of cells divide the least often?

Answer: The internal lining of your digestive tract. Explanation: The internal lining of your digestive tract receives a lot of wear and tear. As a result, cells that line your stomach and intestine are replaced every few days. In contrast, cells that make up the rest of your intestine (mainly smooth muscle) and many of your internal organs, such as lungs, kidney, and liver, divide only occasionaly, in respons to injury or cell death.

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i dont know the answer but i think its from specialized cells

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i dont know thats why i asked you

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Cells can specialize

How do you think small injuries to the skin heal?

I dont think, I KNOW! the cells that make up the human body continually divide by a process called mitosis. eventually, enough cells will have divided to fill up the hole in the skin. if you want to learn about mitosis, please visit

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Cell size, chemical stimulators,and presence of other cells. I dont know the other two.

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Cells divide because when your body grows, the cells dont grow with you they divide to make more

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Do virus have specialized structures or internal compartments?

I dont know actually. I had the same question for school. But I think they dont. Virus cells dont live, they need to enter a living cell first.

What do a animal cell have that a plant cell dont have?

Animal cells have centrioles (involved in cell division)Some animal cells have other specialized compoundslike hemoglobin in red blood cells and cholesterol in others.Animal cells have small vacuoles and vesicles wilst plant cells have a large central vacuole.animal cells also have a flagellum, and lysosomes. plants dont.

Why dont cancer cells undergo apoptosis?

In cancerous cells, the normal programming to undergo apoptosis may not be activated due to the nonreception of proapoptotic signals, the decrease or lack of synthesis of proapoptotic signals, the increase in the synthesis of antiapoptotic signals, or a combination of all of these.

Can ducks produce chlorophyll?

No, only plants, algea, photosynthetic protists, and cyanobacteria undergo photosynthesis. Ducks are animals, so they have animal cells. Animal cells are do not have the organelles possible for photosynthesis.