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washing macheins live longer with calgo apparently...

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Q: Why don't the the stem cells differentiate fully?
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Are bone marrow cells fully differentiated?

The bone marrow contains 3 types of multipotent stem cells (i.e. cells which can differentiate into several other types of cells) in the stroma. However, other cells are fully differentiated.

Why can stem cells be used to treat paralysis?

stem cells can differentiate into nerve or muscle cells

All cells are stem cells or not?

They were at one point, but as they grow they differentiate and can no longer be counted as stem cells.

Why do researchers prefer to use embryonic stem cell stem cells instead of adult stem cells?

embryonic stem cells can differentiate into more types of cells

What makes embryoic stem cells useful for medicine?

They can differentiate into more cells than adult stem cells can.

What makes embryonic stem cells useful for medecine?

they can differentiate into more cells than adult stem cells can.

Why do cell researchers prefer to use embryonic stem cells instead of adult stem cells?

embryonic stem cells can differentiate into more types of cells

What makes embryonic stem cell useful for medication?

they can differentiate into more cells that adult stem cells can

What type of stem cells can differentiate into the most type of cells?


Certain eye stem cells can only differentiate into a few types of eye cells what kind of stem cells is this?


How do cells differentiate to become specialized to a particular function?

Only stem cells are able to differentiate. They do this to create more cells for the variety of organs in your body.

What is the difference between potencies of stem cells?

To understand potency we jave to know that the Potency of a stem cell relates to its ability to differentiate. Currently the most potent cell lines are: • Totipotent stem cells that can differentiate into embryonic and extraembryonic cell types. • Pluripotent cells can differentiate into nearly all cells. • Multipotent cells can differentiate into a number of cells, but only those of a closely related family of cells • Oligopotent cells can differentiate into a few cell types like myeloid stem cells • Unipotent cells can only produce one cell type, themselves. source: