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There are no nerves and it's not a living thing so we can't feel it happening right away but we will feel it after its done decaying and done making its hole in the tooth.

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you can when it hits a nerve

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Q: Why don't we feel the decay of the enamel in our teeth?
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Iv filed my teeth with a nail file and they feel quite rough .. will it affect my teeth and if so what will it do and what can i do to help it?

You've filed through the enamel and probably used a high-grit file. Go to a dentist as soon as possible to see what options you have, because enamel is what protects your teeth.

How do you shrink your teeth?

Short answer- you don't. Tooth enamel is the hardest thing in the human body, and other than by damage of decay do not change, even after death. However, if you are asking because you feel your teeth are too big for your mouth/ face- and you are a teen- wait a bit. You face is likely still growing, and your teeth will be fine. In the meantime, brush them and see a dentist now and again. Those teeth have to last you a long time.

How do you stop bone loss on teeth How to make gums and teeth feel normal again?

to help stop, use soft bristle toothbrushes, because hard bristles wear down enamel on your teeth. other wise, just get porcelain teeth! 5000 bucks a tooth! lol! seriously!

What causes teeth to decay?

Bacteria left on teeth and gums are the enemy of healthy teeth. When the bacteria break down sugars and starches on your teeth, they leave behind acid as a natural byproduct. The acid reacts with the calcium compounds in tooth enamel, making it weak and thin and expanding microscopic pits and cracks. The weakened teeth are more easily chipped and broken. Left unstopped, the pits the bacteria form are more difficult to clean and the little guys have a protected place to produce more bacteria and more acid. When they finally drill through the enamel, you feel pain as the inner parts of the tooth are exposed. If the bacteria make their way to the primary nerve root for the tooth, a nasty infection results and either a root canal will be done or the tooth will be lost. Teeth can also decay from the bottom up, as food particles and bacteria get lodged in the gums. Under the gumline the teeth are more easily damaged and bacterial growth is very hard to stop once it gets advanced. As the roots get damaged, the gums begin to recede, exposing even more surface to damage.

What does the dentist do to you when you have to get your teeth drilled?

They will give you anesthetics, like a shot. That will make it so you don't feel anything. Then, they will drill the decay out of the tooth/teeth, then fill it with a amalgam or composite filling. Composite is tooth colored, amalgam is the typical silver looking filling.

Does Trident really clean your teeth?

From personal experience I can say that when my mouth feels gross, like theirs plaque on my teeth, if I chew some Trident, Orbitz, or a few other select gums it does help get rid of the plaque, However the sugars and things like that are also bad for your teeth so it may help some but it wont help fight cavities or anything like that, just make you feel less gross if you dont have time to brush right this second.

Why dont my teeth grow after they feel off?

If you have already lost your baby teeth, then you will grow in adult teeth. However, the adult teeth are permanent; if you lose one, you will not grow in any more. You will need to get a replacement, if possible. Contact your local dentist office for your advanced questions on this subject.

Is beer bad for teeth?

Your alcohol consumption can make it harder to keep your teeth healthy. Studies link gum disease with drinking, and researchers have recently discovered that the more alcohol you drink, the more at risk your gums are. And if you already have gum disease, continued alcohol consumption can accelerate the stages of the condition.

Why do guinea pigs teeth break?

may be cause they are weak or they have had a fight with another guinea pig. if you can feel the teeth dont worry they will grow back. but if they arent there you should see your vet hope this helps

How is the tooth decay related with plaque?

Plaque forms around the gum line & is not easily removed by brushing alone & becomes harder over time damaging the tooth enamel allowing bacteria to enter the tooth & cause decay. A professional clean is also far more effective at removing tartar and staining, making your mouth look and feel fresh, clean and healthy.

Why do your teeth hurt when you eat sugar?

AnswerIt rots them, causing cavities, and eventually if left untreated will make your teeth fall out, which is why it is important to not eat or drink too much sugar, and to brush your teeth at least twice a day.AnswerIt turns into plaque.AnswerSugar, as do all foods, feed bacteria. These bacteria feed on the sugar and other foods and generate acidic compounds. These are what attack the teeth, breaking down the enamel coating and causing cavities.The sugar (especially sticky candy) sticks to your teeth eating away your enamel with the bacteria causing dental caries\cavities\tooth dacaywhen sugar meets your teeth, the acid producing bactiria eats away tour teeth turning into plaque and then to cavities that will need tooth decay theropy(cavity fillings)

If you don't have straight teeth can you still feel beautiful?

Yes, I do think you could still feel beautiful even if you dont have straight's not whats on the outside it's what's in the inside, guys/girls might know what's on the outside but once they get to know the real you they won't even care bout you're me i been there :-)